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Help please - Guild Publishing...


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I was wondering if anyone here could help me. I have several books that, till recently, belonged to my Dad, and they were published by Guild Publishing, London. They are beautifully-bound hardbacks, always with a rich coulour and gold pattern on the cover, like this one for example:




I was trying to find a website for Guild Publishing, London, but they don't appear to have one, and I've only been able to find one or two books published by them being sold on other sites, such as Ebay.


I would love to be able to get more books from the collection as they are pretty good quality and look beautiful on the shelf. If anyone can help me source some, or even a list of which titles they published, I'd be ever so greatful.


Thanks in advance. :welcome:

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I looked them up in my copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook, but they are not listed. I can only assume then that either they no longer exist or were taken over by another company. Is there an address in any of these books where you could maybe contact them, or maybe try and track down some of their authors to see if they know ?

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Good idea, Talisman! I just checked inside the book and it says "Printed in Great Britain by St. Edmundsbury Press", so I'm off to search them out.


As for contacting authors, theones I have are by Charles Dickens, Anne Bronte and Karen Blixen, so I think they're probably pretty dead and unhelpful. :welcome:

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