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Kylie's Literary Adventures in 2014


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Well done :D!! I'm so proud of you :). Maybe, if you resist going to the book fairs you'll be able to buy even less. I'm going to tackle the issue myself seriously next year (I have to). I don't know if I'll do as good as you, but you're a good example to live up to. Good luck for next year!


Aw, thanks, Athena! It's taken me a long time to reduce the number of books I buy, and I still have a way to go.


I'm impressed - both with the number of books you've been buying, but even more with the reduction!

I have to admit this is something I've completely failed to tackle in spite of several efforts. I've started the last few years keeping track of my book buying, only to give up after a few months. But we're both looking towards retirement, and need to cut back to save a bit more, so things have got to give. Constant book buying has to be one of those things, so in 2015......!


Thanks Willoyd. I'm also pretty bad at keeping track of my purchases. I usually end up doing a few big updates during the year to catch up.


At least you'll having plenty of reading material ready for you when you retire! :) I always figured I'd stop buying books when I moved out of my parents' house because I'd be too busy paying my mortgage, but actually my book buying increased much, much more. :blink: Now that I'm self-employed I don't have nearly as much disposable income, so that has really helped me cut back.


Well done Kylie - that's a very significant reduction in book buying!


I'm happy(ish) with my book buying this year, as I've read more than I've bought, so TBR will definitely be lower at the end of the year than it was at the start, and even then, it wasn't too high.


Thanks Chesil, although I've got nothing on your self-control! I'll never forget when you got your TBR pile down to zero. :icon_eek:  


Free book??  Wonderful!

And, congratulations on cutting down.  It ain't easy! :angel_not:


Thanks Pont! Free books don't come around nearly as often as they should. ;)


I read some exciting news today. Apparently the last book in Arthur C Clarke's Space Odyssey series (3001: The Final Odyssey) is going to be made into a movie! This was actually the first ACC book I ever read (I don't know why I started with the last book, but I remember that I bought it in hardback soon after its release). I'll be interested to see how it's adapted. I just checked IMDB and the release date is listed as 2017, so I have a long few years to wait. :(

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I haven't read 3001 (the series is on my wishlist) but I'd be interested in seeing the film! I had no idea they were making one, so thanks for that :)! I remember seeing 2001 the film with my ex but I don't remember a whole lot about the film, unfortunately. I remember liking it but that's pretty much all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just updating my post on page 1 that shows the number of books I've bought this year. So far I've bought 131 books, which is the smallest number of books I've bought since I started keeping track in 2007! It's fewer than half of the 281 books I bought last year, and just over one-fifth of the 543 books I bought in 2011! I finally feel like I'm getting my book-buying under control. :D And if I hadn't gone to the book fair in September, it would be less than half that number. I'm so proud of myself. :D Next year I'm going to try resisting both book fairs. If I can do that, I just may be able to read more books than I buy.


That`s really impressive. I thought that keeping count this year would make me aware of how many books I was treating myself to, but that didn`t happen. Instead, I was able to come up with a large range of excuses for my book buying.  :giggle:  :blush2:

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I haven't read 3001 (the series is on my wishlist) but I'd be interested in seeing the film! I had no idea they were making one, so thanks for that :)! I remember seeing 2001 the film with my ex but I don't remember a whole lot about the film, unfortunately. I remember liking it but that's pretty much all.


The movie of 2001 is very long but very good. There are long sections where not much happens, so perhaps that's why you don't remember too much. :) Some of the parts are very memorable though. Hal 9000 (the evil computer) is sooo creepy. I'll have to rewatch that again.


Well done with the reduction in book buying.  You've done very well - this year's reduction is a significant one.  :)


Thanks Janet. :) I'm feeling pretty good about it.


That`s really impressive. I thought that keeping count this year would make me aware of how many books I was treating myself to, but that didn`t happen. Instead, I was able to come up with a large range of excuses for my book buying.  :giggle:  :blush2:


Haha. Excuses can always be found when needed, right? :D

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My family and I celebrated Christmas yesterday because my brother is going to his partner's family's house for Christmas. I had emailed part of my Book Depository wish list to my partner a while ago and hinted that he could perhaps buy me a book off the list for Christmas. I put some of the more expensive books on there because they're not books I would buy for myself, and they would be more special if I received them from someone else. Anyway, he was very naughty and bought me 5 books (out of 6) off the list! I was horrified that he had spent so much money when I meant for him to select only one book. I also gave my brother an option of two books and he bought me both. I feel very spoilt.  :blush2: Here are the books I received:


Thomas Keneally Australians: Flappers to Vietnam: Volume 3

Shaun Micallef The President's Desk

Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind (75th anniversary hardback edition)

LM Montgomery The Complete Journals of LM Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900

John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (75th anniversary hardback edition)

John/Elaine Steinbeck Steinbeck: A Life in Letters

Mark Twain Autobiography of Mark Twain: Volume 2

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Thomas Keneally Australians: Flappers to Vietnam: Volume 3

Shaun Micallef The President's Desk

Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind (75th anniversary hardback edition)

LM Montgomery The Complete Journals of LM Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900

John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (75th anniversary hardback edition)

John/Elaine Steinbeck Steinbeck: A Life in Letters

Mark Twain Autobiography of Mark Twain: Volume 2

Ooooh, lovely books  :grinhat:

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Thanks Marie, Pixie and Athena. :) They're such lovely books.  :blush2:


Nice new books!


I especially enjoyed Gone With The Wind and The Grapes of Wrath. :readingtwo:


Thanks Bobbly. GwtW and TGoW are two of my favourite books ever. When I saw that they had been published in hardcovers to celebrate their anniversaries, I added them to my wishlist. They are, I believe, the covers used when they were originally published. I don't often go for hardcovers, but such wonderful books deserve a special place on my shelf.


When my partner gave them to me, I commented that I would keep my old paperbacks to read so I could keep the hardbacks in pristine condition, but he commanded me to read the new hardcovers. :o He doesn't have a 'thing' like I do about looking after books. I suppose I can't damage them too much if I take their dustjackets off first. My copy of GwtW was particularly tatty and ugly, so I won't be sorry to get rid of it. :D

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GwtW and TGoW are two of my favourite books ever. ]


When my partner gave them to me, I commented that I would keep my old paperbacks to read so I could keep the hardbacks in pristine condition, but he commanded me to read the new hardcovers. :o

I am so jealous! 

Gone With the Wind is tied for my #1 book of all.

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Hello my darling! I'm totally here to totally check out the total action of the last total so and so months that I've totally missed lately!!  :devcat:
You know, I've said this many times this year already, but I'm still so happy-happy-happy that your mojo's finally keeping up with you and your book reading desires! I know you've by far reached your goals for the year, but I'm wondering how well you have fared in comparison to last year? I mean I know you've done loads better, but I'm wondering just how much better. I think I will have to check after writing these posts! =D 

I found an ebook of LP's diary online, but if I find a cheap secondhand copy, I'd still like to get it.

Oh cool! Have you read it yet?

Hmm, now I'm doubting my memory! But yes, maybe we did find the same book there? I can even picture exactly where it was on the shelf (at the top at the far right end).

I like to think that we both found it in the SA quarters :cool:

He liked the show, but I caught him nodding off at one point! I was horrified that someone would notice (it was when we were sitting in the first row) so I nudged him awake.

That's just unacceptable! :no: I hope you put him in the naughty corner when you got back home!

It's so weird, but Cider with Rosie is a book that I've just never been remotely interested in. I knew absolutely nothing about it and I guess the title/author's name never inspired me to want to find out about it. I didn't even know it was a classic - I thought it was written much more recently. Then one day I finally got sick of hearing the name and not knowing anything about it, so I looked it up and realised it would be just my cup of tea! I've been so ignorant! So I only had the book on my wish list for about a week before I next went to the bookstore. I had already chosen a few books while browsing, but at the last moment I remembered the newest addition to my wishlist and went searching for it and found the exact copy I wanted.

Always a good reason to buy a book: because you're sick and tired of hearing about it :lol:

Have you read any of The Decameron yet? Oh my goodness, it is astoundingly raunchy!! It's awesome!

I went to a wedding with N a few weeks ago and I was a bit bored, so I jokingly mentioned that I wish I had brought a book to read. To my surprise, he offered to lend me a small book he had in his car. It turned out to be a mini version of The Decameron, with just 10 out of the 100 stories. (I think he had actually bought it at the book fair.) He chose a story for me to read and then went off to socialise. (I love that he didn't frown at me and look at me like I was crazy for wanting to read at a wedding!) Anyway, I read this one story and was totally gobsmacked at how naughty it was! Then N told me about another story he had read, and it was possibly even naughtier!

Haha, I love it that you were reading the mini version of it at a wedding :lol:

Actually I did know what the book is about. I don't remember who told me what it was all about. I think it was back in high school, because I borrowed a copy of the movie (a VHS copy!) when I was in high school and watched it during a weekend when my parents were away, hoping to catch some good raunchy stuff. :blush: The story wasn't that good, I did a bit of fast-forwarding :giggle2:

Canberra has a reputation among most Aussies as being the most boring place in Australia, but I couldn't disagree more.

How could anyone say it's boring, when the thingy, what was it... well, the city official building, bureau, was below the ground, like in some horror/sci-fi movie :o Spooky cool stuff!!!


Also, I found out about an even bigger book fair that's held in another state in January each year. My mum promised she would take me if I lost 10 kilos (bribery!), but I haven't lost any weight yet. Hmm. She's a bit of a softy though, so I'm hoping she will take me anyway!

Where?! What!? Where? When! So coooool! :D
Okay okay, your book fair haul is so volymous and awesome that I have to dedicate another post for the comments :D

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The Book Fair commentary!

John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman

I'm curious, why were you interested in this novel? Has it been on your wishlist or was it a random buy? We read the novel for an English lit course at the uni. I don't remember pretty much anything about it, but it definitely had it's moments and I've been thinking about re-reading it for a long time. 


Robert Galbraith The Cuckoo’s Calling

I wonder if you shall like this. I wonder if it's any good. I mean, up to the standards of you and yours truly!


Nikolai Gogol Dead Souls

Cool! Although I would've thought you already had a copy of this. 


Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #4: Death at Victoria Dock
Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #7: Ruddy Gore
Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #8: Urn Burial
Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #12: Murder in Montparnasse

The stupid Finnish libraries have no copies of these books!  :censored:  (I'm sorry Finnish libraries. You generally rule the world, but not when it comes to Phryne Fisher books!)


Mark Haddon The Red House

Oh Kylie :D You had a copy of this, I remember when you were totally willing to give it to me and I would've taken it with me if I hadn't bought so many books. So you're keen to read it now? 


Guy Gavriel Kay The Lions of Al-Rassan

Oooooh! I hope you enjoy this one, I really really liked it :smile2: 


David Mitchell The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

! I saw a copy of this at the library some time ago, I didn't even know about the book before that! I have no idea what it's about. Oh boy. 


Bernard Malamud The Natural

!!!!! Why did you buy this one? Oh boy. I read it for a lit course years and years ago. I liked it but don't remember what happened in the novel. I have no idea if I would like it on a second read. But it's one of those books that's stuck on my mind and I've been wanting to re-read it for years. And I want to read more by Malamud in general. 


Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

I haven't read this one yet, I have reserved it from the library. I've read two of Rowell's books this year and really, really enjoyed both of them. I hope you'll like the novel!


Alexander Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

I had a copy of this and I still want to read it at some point, but I gave the copy away because it was a rather old, used one and it didn't inspire reading it. I think it's going to be a good read, though, when you get to it. 


August Burroughs Dry

Wohoo for Augusten Burroughs :D So you're still keen on reading his other books? 



All in all, an awesome haul! :lol:  :readingtwo:  I wish I could've been there with you. One of my biggest dreams is that I can re-visit Australia and see you, and that we could go to the book fair again. And do a GG marathon. And loads of things we did the last time. :wub:

Edited by frankie
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Tonight my local bookstore had a 20% off sale. I think they do this every year in the lead-up to Christmas, but I've never found out about it in time before. I only found out this time because I happened to go in with my partner the other day so we could get a textbook for him, and we were given an invitation at the checkout. The sale was outside of regular shop hours, so all of the surrounding shops were closed and the centre was mostly dark. But when I got inside the shop...wow! I've never seen so many people there before—not even close. The shop was packed (although it's only a small shop), with dozens of people waiting to purchase books and dozens more browsing. I LOVE seeing lots of happy people buying books.


The bookstore is part of a chain, so the prices are always more expensive than online, even when you take 20% off, but I like to pay a bit extra sometimes so I can support local businesses. Even though the shop is part of a chain, it's still owned by locals (in this case, a husband and wife), and the staff there have also been consistently friendly and helpful, so I really like to support this particular store when I can.


I bought a book for my Mum for Christmas (Lee Child's second latest book) and two books for myself:


Terry Pratchett Raising Steam

Gabrielle Zevin The Collected Works of AJ Fikry


The staff had set up a table outside with refreshments (champagne, soft drink and nibblies), and there were door prizes drawn every hour. It was 40 degrees in my town today, and I guess the air conditioner was struggling because I was really hot in the shop. I felt so much better after having a cup of soft drink on the way out. While I was drinking, a staff member told me that if I filled in a card to tell the shop about the good and bad points of the night, I could take home a FREE book from a nearby trolley. The trolley was filled with books from publishers that the bookshop can't sell, like advanced reader copies etc. I filled in the card but there were 4 or 5 women standing around the trolley for ages while they dug through the books, and I couldn't get close enough to look for myself.


So I was looking over one woman's shoulder and she picked up a big hardback—it was Michel Faber's recently published The Book of Strange New Things! Because there was no dust jacket, the cover was all in white, with the writing just indented a bit, so it was a good thing I was being so nosy or I wouldn't have noticed what it was. I could see that the inside cover said 'Uncorrected bound proof'. I telepathically started telling the woman to 'PUT THE BOOK DOWN!' Luckily she did (I could tell she hadn't even heard of Faber, so I would have been annoyed if she had taken it), and then I leaned around her and picked it up. So now I'm the proud new owner of Faber's latest book! For free! I hadn't even heard of any of the other books in the trolley (that I could see), so I think I was really, really lucky to find a well-known, recently published book.  


Then I went around the corner to my favourite chocolate shop and had a big chocolate sundae and fruit juice (because the fruit cancels out the chocolate, right? )


Was this the Dymocks at the Plaza? Oh I miss the Plaza! I bet there weren't any bogans there that night... :D


I'm so happy you found out about the special event in time this year! Sounds like a great event. Although I can't even imagine how hot it must've been inside, because you, a native Aussie gal, were feeling hot! :o


And how cool is it that they treated you to refreshments, and that they gave you an option to fill in a 'report card' and a free book after that! I can imagine the tense feeling between you and the woman. 'Put it down, put it down'. 'I feel a strange force telling me this is not the sort of book I would read... I must put it down.' :D


A very, very cool bookstore! Oh how I miss the Plaza. Is the SA still going strong? Are you visiting it? Are you rearranging their shelves? And how about the 'new' secondhand bookshop I spotted and then told you about and which we visited? Is it still going? 


I was just updating my post on page 1 that shows the number of books I've bought this year. So far I've bought 131 books, which is the smallest number of books I've bought since I started keeping track in 2007! It's fewer than half of the 281 books I bought last year, and just over one-fifth of the 543 books I bought in 2011! I finally feel like I'm getting my book-buying under control. And if I hadn't gone to the book fair in September, it would be less than half that number. I'm so proud of myself. Next year I'm going to try resisting both book fairs. If I can do that, I just may be able to read more books than I buy.


Again, I've been telling you a few times this year how proud I am of you for 'curbing your enthusiasm' and cutting back on how many books you buy, but I'll say it again: you've done so well this year!  :friends3:  You've done so well that you almost deserve an AUS$100 voucher to Dymocks :lol:


I'm so proud of you!  :kissing:


My family and I celebrated Christmas yesterday because my brother is going to his partner's family's house for Christmas. I had emailed part of my Book Depository wish list to my partner a while ago and hinted that he could perhaps buy me a book off the list for Christmas. I put some of the more expensive books on there because they're not books I would buy for myself, and they would be more special if I received them from someone else. Anyway, he was very naughty and bought me 5 books (out of 6) off the list! I was horrified that he had spent so much money when I meant for him to select only one book. I also gave my brother an option of two books and he bought me both. I feel very spoilt.   Here are the books I received:


Thomas Keneally Australians: Flappers to Vietnam: Volume 3

Shaun Micallef The President's Desk

Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind (75th anniversary hardback edition)

LM Montgomery The Complete Journals of LM Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900

John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (75th anniversary hardback edition)

John/Elaine Steinbeck Steinbeck: A Life in Letters

Mark Twain Autobiography of Mark Twain: Volume 2


Well done, N! :D Well done!! I know how you love John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath, and how special that copy must be for you. Good job N :D And Matt, too. He's a great bro, I envy you :) But you deserve all the best! 



When my partner gave them to me, I commented that I would keep my old paperbacks to read so I could keep the hardbacks in pristine condition, but he commanded me to read the new hardcovers. He doesn't have a 'thing' like I do about looking after books. I suppose I can't damage them too much if I take their dustjackets off first. My copy of GwtW was particularly tatty and ugly, so I won't be sorry to get rid of it.


=D So are you going to re-read GwtW next year or soon after? I remember when a bunch of us were reading it for the Rory book list, even if we didn't all read it quite at the same time. But boy did we love the novel. 


By the way, where are you with GG at the moment. Have you started re-watching the series again? I miss you, and I've been thinking, it would be fun to start watching the series again with you. Or at least read something with you, as a mini group read. Or something! 

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I went to check your 2013 reading log to see how many books you read but only  managed to find one post where you'd listed the books you read through January to April. I'm sure you managed to finish at least one novel after that?!


Edit: The book total of January-April was 16. I went to look at your stats on Goodreads and it showed that you read 24 books last year. Oh man, was that really so? It wasn't a good reading year for you, was it :no:  :empathy:  You've done so much better this year! You've more than doubled the number of books you've read! :cool:  :readingtwo:  I hope you continue to have as great a mojo next year as you did this year! 

Edited by frankie
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Oh cool! Have you read it yet?



Actually I did know what the book is about. I don't remember who told me what it was all about. I think it was back in high school, because I borrowed a copy of the movie (a VHS copy!) when I was in high school and watched it during a weekend when my parents were away, hoping to catch some good raunchy stuff. :blush: The story wasn't that good, I did a bit of fast-forwarding



Where?! What!? Where? When! So coooool!


No, I haven't read Laura Palmer's diary yet.


Heh. I found and downloaded the movie online. I thought it was downright terrible! I ended up fast-forwarding as well. ;)


The other book fair is in Queensland, probably a couple of days' driving away. Mum and I were going to go, but so much else has happened, and Mum is moving later this month anyway, so we won't go. Besides, I'm going to be really good with not buying books this year, so how would it look if I bought a huge stack of books in January?!



John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman

I'm curious, why were you interested in this novel? Has it been on your wishlist or was it a random buy? We read the novel for an English lit course at the uni. I don't remember pretty much anything about it, but it definitely had it's moments and I've been thinking about re-reading it for a long time. 

No particular reason. I've seen it around for ages and I guess I figured I should probably read it. :) Also, I have another book by Fowles (The Collector) on my TBR pile. The synopsis of that book intrigues me, and I have a feeling that Fowles is an author whose works I will like.


Robert Galbraith The Cuckoo’s Calling

I wonder if you shall like this. I wonder if it's any good. I mean, up to the standards of you and yours truly!

I certainly hope I like it!


Nikolai Gogol Dead Souls

Cool! Although I would've thought you already had a copy of this. 

You know my TBR pile so well! I've had a copy of Dead Souls for years, but it was really old and tatty. I found a lovely newer edition at the book fair, so I couldn't resist!


Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #4: Death at Victoria Dock

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #7: Ruddy Gore

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #8: Urn Burial

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #12: Murder in Montparnasse

The stupid Finnish libraries have no copies of these books! (I'm sorry Finnish libraries. You generally rule the world, but not when it comes to Phryne Fisher books!)

Aw, that's no good. :( I guess maybe they're a bit obscure to be well known around the rest of the world.


Mark Haddon The Red House

Oh Kylie You had a copy of this, I remember when you were totally willing to give it to me and I would've taken it with me if I hadn't bought so many books. So you're keen to read it now? 

So what did I do with it if I didn't give it you? Don't tell me I gave it to a book shop and then bought it back? Oh well, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. ;)


Guy Gavriel Kay The Lions of Al-Rassan

Oooooh! I hope you enjoy this one, I really really liked it 

Yes, I remember you loved it. That's what inspired me to read it!


David Mitchell The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

! I saw a copy of this at the library some time ago, I didn't even know about the book before that! I have no idea what it's about. Oh boy. 

I don't really know what it's about either *blush*. But David Mitchell is a bit of a must-read author for me, even though I struggled a bit with Cloud Atlas.


Bernard Malamud The Natural

!!!!! Why did you buy this one? Oh boy. I read it for a lit course years and years ago. I liked it but don't remember what happened in the novel. I have no idea if I would like it on a second read. But it's one of those books that's stuck on my mind and I've been wanting to re-read it for years. And I want to read more by Malamud in general. 

I bought it solely because of you! I think you discussed it recently (i.e., past 12 months), or is it on your list of must-read books? Either way, Bernard Malamud = Frankie in my mind, so I was really happy to find it. :)


Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

I haven't read this one yet, I have reserved it from the library. I've read two of Rowell's books this year and really, really enjoyed both of them. I hope you'll like the novel!

I plan to read this one soon. It's had so many great reviews, as have Rowell's other books (especially by you!) I would have bought any of her books that I found, but I was particularly glad to find this one because it's the first of Rowell's books that I heard about.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

I had a copy of this and I still want to read it at some point, but I gave the copy away because it was a rather old, used one and it didn't inspire reading it. I think it's going to be a good read, though, when you get to it. 

I already had a copy of this, but this new one is much nicer. But I also still like my original copy, so now I have two.


August Burroughs Dry

Wohoo for Augusten Burroughs :D So you're still keen on reading his other books? 

Oh, absolutely! I'm looking forward to reading all of his books. I'll probably read Magical Thinking next, which I read a little of once before.



All in all, an awesome haul! I wish I could've been there with you. One of my biggest dreams is that I can re-visit Australia and see you, and that we could go to the book fair again. And do a GG marathon. And loads of things we did the last time. :wub:

Aw yeah, we'll totally do it all again one day!

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Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #4: Death at Victoria Dock

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #7: Ruddy Gore

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #8: Urn Burial

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #12: Murder in Montparnasse

The stupid Finnish libraries have no copies of these books! (I'm sorry Finnish libraries. You generally rule the world, but not when it comes to Phryne Fisher books!)

Aw, that's no good. :( I guess maybe they're a bit obscure to be well known around the rest of the world.

I've had a problem getting the Phryne Fisher books in the UK too. I had them all on a wish list, and then just when I was going to buy book 5, they all became unavailable :irked: The library didn't have them either, so I've been trying to keep a look out for them, and I've recently seen they've been reissued with new covers, but they're much more expensive than they were originally! I'm hoping the library will get them in now they have new editions out.

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Heh. I found and downloaded the movie online. I thought it was downright terrible! I ended up fast-forwarding as well. 


Hehe =D Can't really blame you! 


The other book fair is in Queensland, probably a couple of days' driving away. Mum and I were going to go, but so much else has happened, and Mum is moving later this month anyway, so we won't go. Besides, I'm going to be really good with not buying books this year, so how would it look if I bought a huge stack of books in January?!


Oh, you were talking about another book fair, I thought you meant two book fairs in Canberra. Yep, it would be a long drive! So your Mom's moving this month? How very cool! :cool: I hope everything goes well! Are you going to drive there and help her with the move? 


(You buying a huge stack of books in January would look hilarious! =DHeheheheheee!)




John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman

I'm curious, why were you interested in this novel? Has it been on your wishlist or was it a random buy? We read the novel for an English lit course at the uni. I don't remember pretty much anything about it, but it definitely had it's moments and I've been thinking about re-reading it for a long time. 

No particular reason. I've seen it around for ages and I guess I figured I should probably read it. Also, I have another book by Fowles (The Collector) on my TBR pile. The synopsis of that book intrigues me, and I have a feeling that Fowles is an author whose works I will like.

Now that I think about it, you  might be right. You might be a Fowles chick! In that case, I must tell you of a novel by Fowles that I have on my TBR and which I think you might be interested, too! It's The Magus. The BD synopsis in the link doesn't sound as intriguing as the blurb on my copy, but the Amazon synopsis was even worse, and possibly a bit too spoilery. 



Nikolai Gogol Dead Souls

Cool! Although I would've thought you already had a copy of this. 

You know my TBR pile so well! I've had a copy of Dead Souls for years, but it was really old and tatty. I found a lovely newer edition at the book fair, so I couldn't resist!

Wohoo! :D :D I was right, as always! Haha :D Yeah I know your TBR pile pretty well. No, I'm not a stalker. Please don't get a restraining order against me =/


Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #4: Death at Victoria Dock

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #7: Ruddy Gore

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #8: Urn Burial

Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher #12: Murder in Montparnasse

The stupid Finnish libraries have no copies of these books! (I'm sorry Finnish libraries. You generally rule the world, but not when it comes to Phryne Fisher books!)

Aw, that's no good.  I guess maybe they're a bit obscure to be well known around the rest of the world.

Maybe. But that's not very nice, is it!  :censored: 


Mark Haddon The Red House

Oh Kylie You had a copy of this, I remember when you were totally willing to give it to me and I would've taken it with me if I hadn't bought so many books. So you're keen to read it now? 

So what did I do with it if I didn't give it you? Don't tell me I gave it to a book shop and then bought it back? Oh well, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Well, to be more precise, I did take it off your hands at first, but then when I got a little crazy with the book buying, I told you I wouldn't have any room for the books you gave me (except of course the awesome ones you gave me as a present when I arrived, the books on my nightstand. I still remember the flowers, too! That was so nice of you!), and I gave it back to you. I think we hauled it to the two bookshops near your place, but the ladies wouldn't take them. Weirdos. I think we hauled it back, and I think you still had the copy when I left. What you did with it after that? I don't know :( 


--- And what the hell. Have ... What? I've been talking about A Spot of Bother this whole time, under the title of The Red House :D 


Guy Gavriel Kay The Lions of Al-Rassan

Oooooh! I hope you enjoy this one, I really really liked it 

Yes, I remember you loved it. That's what inspired me to read it!

I like being an inspiration :blush: 


David Mitchell The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

! I saw a copy of this at the library some time ago, I didn't even know about the book before that! I have no idea what it's about. Oh boy. 

I don't really know what it's about either *blush*. But David Mitchell is a bit of a must-read author for me, even though I struggled a bit with Cloud Atlas.

I know what you mean. I haven't read CA yet, but I've read Black Swan Green and totally loved it! 


Bernard Malamud The Natural

!!!!! Why did you buy this one? Oh boy. I read it for a lit course years and years ago. I liked it but don't remember what happened in the novel. I have no idea if I would like it on a second read. But it's one of those books that's stuck on my mind and I've been wanting to re-read it for years. And I want to read more by Malamud in general. 

I bought it solely because of you! I think you discussed it recently (i.e., past 12 months), or is it on your list of must-read books? Either way, Bernard Malamud = Frankie in my mind, so I was really happy to find it.

Awww, you bought it because of me! I thought it might be on my Must Read books list, but it wasn't. We must've talked about it before. It's blushworthy-ingly cool that you link someone like Bernard Malamud with me! *blush*


Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

I haven't read this one yet, I have reserved it from the library. I've read two of Rowell's books this year and really, really enjoyed both of them. I hope you'll like the novel!

I plan to read this one soon. It's had so many great reviews, as have Rowell's other books (especially by you!) I would have bought any of her books that I found, but I was particularly glad to find this one because it's the first of Rowell's books that I heard about.

You're going to get to this book sooner than me, I'm still in line for the reserved copy from the library! It'll be great to see how you like it =) 


August Burroughs Dry

Wohoo for Augusten Burroughs. So you're still keen on reading his other books? 

Oh, absolutely! I'm looking forward to reading all of his books. I'll probably read Magical Thinking next, which I read a little of once before.

This makes me hella happy! :smile2:  



I've had a problem getting the Phryne Fisher books in the UK too. I had them all on a wish list, and then just when I was going to buy book 5, they all became unavailable.  The library didn't have them either, so I've been trying to keep a look out for them, and I've recently seen they've been reissued with new covers, but they're much more expensive than they were originally! I'm hoping the library will get them in now they have new editions out.


Oh man, what an awful timing! I guess they are somewhat popular because the old edition's been sold out? But what a drag, if one's been collecting the series as the old edition copies and has to now switch to the new ones, mid-series! 

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I've had a problem getting the Phryne Fisher books in the UK too. I had them all on a wish list, and then just when I was going to buy book 5, they all became unavailable :irked: The library didn't have them either, so I've been trying to keep a look out for them, and I've recently seen they've been reissued with new covers, but they're much more expensive than they were originally! I'm hoping the library will get them in now they have new editions out.


Oh, that's awful. :( Are the reissues the ones with the TV tie-in covers? I hate movie/TV tie-in covers. Even though Essie Davis, who plays Phryne Fisher, is a gorgeous woman, I'd still much rather have the original books. The artwork is simply gorgeous. Hopefully they'll continue with the original artwork as long as the series keeps going, even if they have to put them side by side with the tie-ins.




I hope everything goes well! Are you going to drive there and help her with the move?

Mum has arranged for movers to do it for her, but I'll be going up the day before they come, and then I'll be staying with her for her first night when she moves in. :)


John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman

Now that I think about it, you  might be right. You might be a Fowles chick! In that case, I must tell you of a novel by Fowles that I have on my TBR and which I think you might be interested, too! It's The Magus. The BD synopsis in the link doesn't sound as intriguing as the blurb on my copy, but the Amazon synopsis was even worse, and possibly a bit too spoilery. 

Ah yes, that's another Fowles book I often see around. It was probably only a matter of time before I succumbed and bought it. :) Now I'll definitely add it to my wishlist.


Nikolai Gogol Dead Souls

Wohoo! I was right, as always! Haha :D Yeah I know your TBR pile pretty well. No, I'm not a stalker. Please don't get a restraining order against me =/



Mark Haddon The Red House

--- And what the hell. Have ... What? I've been talking about A Spot of Bother this whole time, under the title of The Red House :D 

:rolol: Now that makes more sense! Yes, I remember that you couldn't take A Spot of Bother. It was such a big hardback. I knew I wouldn't read it again, so I wanted to get rid of it. I can't remember what I ended up doing with it. If those two shops didn't take it, maybe I just donated it to the book fair the next time I went.


Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

You're going to get to this book sooner than me, I'm still in line for the reserved copy from the library! It'll be great to see how you like it =) 

Oh, I don't know about that! Do you know when you can expect to receive it from the library? Maybe I'll wait until you get it. :)

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I decided to do a little bit of analysis of my reading in 2014. I read 56 books in 2014, which is an increase of around 20 books on 2013. I read multiple books by some authors, so the totals below won't necessarily add to 56. Here's what I found:


Female authors: 14

Male authors: 32
Familiar authors: 6
New-to-me authors: 33
Fiction: 39
Non-Fiction: 17
I'm quite surprised by the number of new-to-me authors that I read. And only 6 already-familiar authors? Wow!
I'm also pleased with the number of non-fiction books I read. Given how much my non-fiction section has grown over the past few years, it's good to see that I'm reading more non-fiction, as I've been lacking in that area for a while. :)
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Mum has arranged for movers to do it for her, but I'll be going up the day before they come, and then I'll be staying with her for her first night when she moves in. :)

Great! :) I'm sure your Mom appreciate's the help. You can boss the movers around and make extra sure that they treat your Mom's bookcases and books gently! 


John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman

Now that I think about it, you  might be right. You might be a Fowles chick! In that case, I must tell you of a novel by Fowles that I have on my TBR and which I think you might be interested, too! It's The Magus. The BD synopsis in the link doesn't sound as intriguing as the blurb on my copy, but the Amazon synopsis was even worse, and possibly a bit too spoilery. 

Ah yes, that's another Fowles book I often see around. It was probably only a matter of time before I succumbed and bought it. Now I'll definitely add it to my wishlist.

Great! :D 




Mark Haddon The Red House

--- And what the hell. Have ... What? I've been talking about A Spot of Bother this whole time, under the title of The Red House

 Now that makes more sense! Yes, I remember that you couldn't take A Spot of Bother. It was such a big hardback. I knew I wouldn't read it again, so I wanted to get rid of it. I can't remember what I ended up doing with it. If those two shops didn't take it, maybe I just donated it to the book fair the next time I went.

:blush: Now that you mention that possibility, I'm pretty sure that's what you did: gave the book away at the book fair the next time you went. :yes:




Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

You're going to get to this book sooner than me, I'm still in line for the reserved copy from the library! It'll be great to see how you like it =) 

Oh, I don't know about that! Do you know when you can expect to receive it from the library? Maybe I'll wait until you get it.

I checked and it says I'm at 17/36. But I don't know what that really means. I've yet to decipher what the numbers mean when they come up like that in my list of reserved books. Maybe there are 36 people in total who've ordered the book? And I'm 17th in line? But then why would they feel the need to tell me how many people are in line in total. 




I decided to do a little bit of analysis of my reading in 2014. I read 56 books in 2014, which is an increase of around 20 books on 2013. I read multiple books by some authors, so the totals below won't necessarily add to 56. Here's what I found:


Female authors: 14

Male authors: 32


Familiar authors: 6

New-to-me authors: 33


Fiction: 39

Non-Fiction: 17


I'm quite surprised by the number of new-to-me authors that I read. And only 6 already-familiar authors? Wow!


I'm also pleased with the number of non-fiction books I read. Given how much my non-fiction section has grown over the past few years, it's good to see that I'm reading more non-fiction, as I've been lacking in that area for a while. 


You read more than twice the number of books by male authors than female authors! :o 


I think it's cool that you read so many books by new-to-you authors. I find it indicative of one having an open mind and a broad range of literary tastes. 

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I'm glad you read a lot more than in 2013, that's great! Interesting how few familiar authors you read and how many new ones! It's great you read a lot of non-fiction too.


Thanks Gaia! I'm pleased too. :)


Great! :) I'm sure your Mom appreciate's the help. You can boss the movers around and make extra sure that they treat your Mom's bookcases and books gently!

Yes. :) I've already packed her books for her, so I just have to make sure the movers are gentle with the boxes. :) Mum's going to let me unpack them at her new house too. :D


I checked and it says I'm at 17/36. But I don't know what that really means. I've yet to decipher what the numbers mean when they come up like that in my list of reserved books. Maybe there are 36 people in total who've ordered the book? And I'm 17th in line? But then why would they feel the need to tell me how many people are in line in total. 


I think you're right. I would read it as you being number 17 out of 36 people. Maybe they include the total so you know how many people are waiting behind you when you get the book so you'll read it and return it quicker. Or maybe it's just so you can gloat at all the people who have to wait longer than you to read it.  :giggle: 


You read more than twice the number of books by male authors than female authors! :o


I think it's cool that you read so many books by new-to-you authors. I find it indicative of one having an open mind and a broad range of literary tastes.

Somehow it didn't surprise me that I read more male authors. But it's a bit disappointing. I'd like to change that a bit so I read roughly the same number by males and females, although I'm not going to go out of my way to do it. I've never checked my male/female ratio for other years, so maybe I should do that and see whether this is a common thing with my reading (my guess is that it is).


Yeah, I'm pretty awesome, aren't I? :D

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