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Kylie's Literary Adventures in 2014


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Glad that you really enjoyed Hollow City Kylie  :smile:Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is on my wishlist, so I think I'll get that one soonish, so then I can read HC. 

I'm glad that you reading mojo is in top form too.  :smile: It's a joy to read when it is, and a hell when it's in the doldrums.

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 It sounds like Hollow city was great. I'll be excited to get to it now, but maybe I should just hold off and wait til the 3rd one comes out ,then I can reread the first, then the last 2 all at once .


I'm glad your Mojo is alive and kicking again !

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Thanks for linking to the article about the real life Finches, Kylie. I just finished Running with Scissors and now I'm a bit confused over what's real! I read that he won the lawsuit to call it a memoir though... Although their comments he only had a room there for 18 months are interesting.

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Glad that you really enjoyed Hollow City Kylie  :smile:Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is on my wishlist, so I think I'll get that one soonish, so then I can read HC. 

I'm glad that you reading mojo is in top form too.  :smile: It's a joy to read when it is, and a hell when it's in the doldrums.


Thanks Marie. I really hope you enjoy them both as much as I did. :)


I absolutely agree about the mojo! Unfortunately my lack of reading mojo does not affect my buying mojo, so I've still been buying loads of books, but now I can finally start making a small dent in my TBR pile. :)



 It sounds like Hollow city was great. I'll be excited to get to it now, but maybe I should just hold off and wait til the 3rd one comes out ,then I can reread the first, then the last 2 all at once .


I'm glad your Mojo is alive and kicking again !


I understand why you would want to wait to read them all together.  :yes:


Thanks! I'm so much happier with my mojo back. :D



I started and finished Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None in about 24 hours. Brilliant book! Yet another page-turner that I couldn't put down until I'd found out whodunnit. Today I watched the 1945 movie to see how it compared. Not a bad adaptation, but the ending was changed a bit! :o


I've already started The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford. I'm only about 20 pages in, but it has made me giggle a couple of times. I think I'm going to enjoy this one a lot!


Yesterday I went to a town where there are a couple of bookshops. I couldn't help but buy one book (only my second for the year) because it was so cheap: Paula Byrne The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone. :) My mojo has slowed down a little in the past week or so, but I'm not too worried.


I have rather a lot happening over the next few months, so I expect my reading will slow down even further. We have started rehearsals for 12 Angry Men, so that takes up a few hours a couple of times per week. (I suppose I can only count the play as one book read this year, even though we'll be reading it a couple of dozen times!) I've also joined the committee for the theatre group, but I have absolutely no idea what this entails (I think I just have to attend a meeting once a month). I'll be missing tomorrow's rehearsal though because I have my annual strata meeting (blergh, I hate strata meetings!)


I'm also planning to see a couple of plays soon. On the first of March, an acting group is doing Romeo and Juliet in an outdoor setting next to the river that runs through my town. I saw Macbeth there a few years ago, and it was a lovely atmosphere. In early April I'm going to see a production of 1984. That should be nice and cheery. :D Then in May, there's a Shakespeare festival in my parents' small town of Gloucester. I went for the first time last year and saw a great production of Romeo and Juliet, and there was a cool medieval-type fair. They're doing Merchant of Venice this year, which is cool because it's not a play that I'm familiar with.


I'm going to see one of my favourite Australian artists, Kate Miller-Heidke, do a show at the botanic gardens in the Blue Mountains in a couple of weeks. That should be a lovely picnic-type thing if the weather is nice! And I found out yesterday that one of my favourite Scottish bands, The Fratellis, is coming to Sydney in early April—yay! They'll be playing the day after I see 1984, so that should be a good pick-me-up. :D


I also have a few social functions to attend on various weekends. Egads! Not much time for reading. :(


Also, my partner and my brother gave me book vouchers for my birthday, so I'm planning to go into the city tomorrow to spend them. I've already pored over my wishlist and checked the availability of various books at the big Dymocks store in Sydney. I've made a shortlist and am ready to go shopping! :D

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Woohoo! .. sounds like you've got a very busy and very cultured time ahead Kylie .. awesome. I've always fancied seeing a Shakespeare play in an outdoor setting .. only that's harder to do (and enjoy :unsure:) in Britain than you might think   :intherain:  :badmood:  :cold: :cray:  :D

Hope you have a marvellous time :hug: .. enjoy the bookstore tomorrow. Can't wait to find out what you've bought :smile:  

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I look forward to hearing about all your outings Kylie! :)


I hope you have fun, especially tomorrow.

Edited by Devi
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Woohoo! .. sounds like you've got a very busy and very cultured time ahead Kylie .. awesome. I've always fancied seeing a Shakespeare play in an outdoor setting .. only that's harder to do (and enjoy :unsure:) in Britain than you might think   

Hope you have a marvellous time :hug: .. enjoy the bookstore tomorrow. Can't wait to find out what you've bought 


As it happens, it did rain the first time I went to see Macbeth. They called off the play halfway through, so we had to go back the next weekend to watch it again. :D This time they're only doing one show at the river, so if the weather is bad I guess we'll miss out! 


That's a lot of things going on, Kylie! Good luck with the rehearsals. I hope you enjoy the plays and all the things you'll be doing :). I hope you have fun book shopping too!


Thanks Athena! I just got back from our third rehearsal. We were on the stage for the first time and starting to get used to moving around. I say 'we' because I have to fill in for one or more roles when others miss rehearsal. Our two biggest roles will be absent from the next rehearsal, so I'll have to speak a LOT of lines. I'm a lousy actor because I'm shy and I don't like talking in front of a group of people at the best of times, never mind 12 other men who all have experience in acting! It's very new and weird for me, but it's also fun. :)


I look forward to hearing about all your outings Kylie!


I hope you have fun, especially tomorrow.


Thanks Devi!


I went shopping today and bought the following books:


Blaine Harden Escape from Camp 14 (about the prison camps in North Korea)

Gerald Hughes Ted and I (about Sylvia Plath's husband, Ted Hughes)

China Mieville Railsea

James Morrow This is the Way the World Ends (SF Masterworks)


On the way into the city, I started reading the first story in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. On the way home, I became absorbed straight away in Escape from Camp 14, so now I have lots of books on the go.  :blush2:

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We are now two months into the new year and I'm already over halfway to my goal of reading 30 books this year! I read 10 books this month, despite my mojo going awol for nearly a week. Two of those books were short ebooks and one was a re-read of the play 12 Angry Men, so they don't count towards reducing my TBR pile. Ultimately, I've read 13 physical books off my TBR pile and acquired 7 new books.


I'm very happy with my progress so far this year. :D Not only have I read twice as many books as I've acquired (a nice change!) but most of my reads have been truly wonderful, and I have many more to look forward to. :)

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That's amazing news, Kylie :D! It's great that most of your reads were wonderful books (woohoo) and that you're very likely to hit your goal, perhaps before half of the year is over! All in all I'd say you're doing very well with your reading :). I hope your next reads will be wonderful books too :).

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Great to see you're having a good reading year so far Kylie, I know you loved The Pursuit of Love recently, and I'm about a third of the way through and enjoying it too.  It's just a bit too big to fit in my bag, so haven't taken it on any reading excursions recently, but once I'm back to work, I'll be able to take it with me again for lunch break reading.  :)

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That's amazing news, Kylie :D! It's great that most of your reads were wonderful books (woohoo) and that you're very likely to hit your goal, perhaps before half of the year is over! All in all I'd say you're doing very well with your reading :). I hope your next reads will be wonderful books too :).


Thanks Athena! I feel like I should change my goal on Goodreads to something higher, but I kind of like the idea that at the end of the year it will say something like 60 out of 30 books read. :)


Congrats Kylie! :)


I hope the rest of the year is just as good for you.


Thanks Devi! I hope the rest of your year is good too. Just think of how good it will be when I move in with you to use your super-fast Internet and you can borrow my books! :P


Congrats on your reading so far! Halfway by February is pretty impressive :D Hope it keeps up


Thanks Tim! I've taken myself completely by surprise by this year. I thought my mojo would never come back!


That's very good news Kylie .. especially as you've enjoyed your reading so much :hug: Like everyone else, I hope it continues on and on :smile: 

Thanks Poppyshake!  :friends3:

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Have you seen my ethernet speed test? The first was just wifi. :D


I posted it on fb earlier today. (Monday).

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Great to see you're having a good reading year so far Kylie, I know you loved The Pursuit of Love recently, and I'm about a third of the way through and enjoying it too.  It's just a bit too big to fit in my bag, so haven't taken it on any reading excursions recently, but once I'm back to work, I'll be able to take it with me again for lunch break reading.  :)


I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I did. :) Have you read anything else by Nancy Mitford? I plan on reading Love in a Cold Climate soon - hopefully during this year anyway!


Enjoy the plays and great book choices, I've added This is the Way the World Ends on my wishlist :)


Thanks Weave. :) Cool! I hope you'll enjoy it. I look forward to your review.


Have you seen my ethernet speed test? The first was just wifi. :D


I posted it on fb earlier today. (Monday).


Just found it...Wow! More than double the download speed! That's insanely fast. The fastest I'll get is around 10 MB per second, but even though it says that speed, it doesn't seem to download that fast.


Not much reading progress lately. I have been under the weather for a couple of days and laid up in bed with a fever yesterday. I think my temp is still high, but unfortunately I have a big job to do by the end of the week, so I don't have as much time as I'd like to rest (why oh why couldn't this have happened last week, when I had no work and was sitting around twiddling my thumbs?!) Thank goodness I have a laptop and can work in bed between naps. :)

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