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When finishing a book in a series, which is usually better

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I have just finished the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire title A Game of Thrones. Now, i have never read a book from a series before, and i was wondering if it is usually better to move right on the the next book in the series, or read a book in between?  

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My preference is to read the series as one chunk.  That way I don't forget the important information.  Of course, with ASoIaF, Martin hasn't finished writing the series yet so there's going to be a wait eventually - unless you manage to stretch reading it over the course of the next 5-10 years =)



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There's actually a thread discussing this here ..> http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/9786-how-do-you-read-a-seriessaga :)


Personally, it depends on if the series is complete when I start reading it.  If it's, for example, a trilogy with a definite ending, as in there will be no more books written in the series, then I would probably read in one go, but if it's an open ended series, then I would read them in between other reads.  If it's an especially good series, then I try to spread the books out a bit in order to savour them, and use them as a treat, otherwise the temptation is to devour them all in one go! :D

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I normally read one or a few books in between, but timewise I don't want to wait too long before starting the next one, or it's hard to remember what happened. Not just that, but I don't like to be reading more than several series at any one time.

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If at all possible, I like to read a series in one go. I read "The Hunger Games" that way this year. However, as others have said, it's sometimes impossible to do that. Another trilogy I'm into is Justin Cronin's trilogy of vampire books. He hasn't finished the third book yet, and I had no idea it even was a planned trilogy when I read the first book!


Of course, with something that is very popular, like Harry Potter, you had to read the books as they came out, 'cos otherwise someone would inadvertently spoil the plot! But it is easy to forget salient points when leaving a gap between books 


Of course, you can always re-read the entire series once it is finished

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I can't read a series all in one go - I get author burn-out too easily, so I have to read a few different books in between each entry in a series :smile:


I am the same, I like to space books in series out by reading something completely different in between.

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Of course, with ASoIaF, Martin hasn't finished writing the series yet so there's going to be a wait eventually - unless you manage to stretch reading it over the course of the next 5-10 years =)


Make it 10 to 20, we have to be realistic about it  :giggle2:

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I think it depends on the series. Just like a couple others, I read The Hunger Games all together. I think that series worked well because all the books were out at the time and it was such an exciting and cliff hanger storyline that I HAD to read the next one right away. I haven't felt the same way about every series I have read though. I took a 6 year break between book 4 and book 5 of Harry Potter. 


I think you have to try out different things and see which you like best. 

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Me too!   I quite often forget a book weeks after I've read it - even if it's one I've enjoyed!  It never used to be like that!


The last series I finished - a few months ago now - was the Fleming Bond books.  When I went to add them on Goodreads I had to look at the summaries to remind myself which ones I liked.  The only one I was certain of was The Spy That Loved Me, and that was because I thought it was atrocious.  The old emotional impact memory recall trick =) 

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I have found that it is usually the last book in a series that is the best, because it is a cumulation of all the previous books and it brings, I guess, closure. Each book in a series adds to the previous one. Although with some series you can feel sad and at a loss because it has come to an end and you really liked that series of books. 

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