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Hello everyone !

I like organizing my TBR list into themes and right now I'm interested in reading books that portray the mood of a season. For example, for Summer I've got Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. For Autumn, The October Country also by Ray Bradbury. For Winter, Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett seems to fit the bill. I'm having a hard time coming up with anything for Spring, though.


Any suggestions for Spring and/or the other seasons? :smile:   (any genre welcome, I'll read anything !)



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I know Penelope Fitzgerald has written a book called The Beginning of Spring .. though I've never read it (I have read a couple of her books though and they were both brilliant). I don't know how Spring-like it is though. Also P.G. Wodehouse has a couple of books with Spring in the title (Spring Fever and Uncle Fred in the Springtime) but you'd need to be a fan of his humour to really enjoy.

Hope you find what you're looking for anyway Jackdaw :)

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Stephen King wrote a collection of four stories called "Different Seasons". Each one had a subtitle that referred to a season, athough it wasn't necessarily about that season. So there was "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" subtitled Hope springs eternal and "The Breathing Method" subtitled A Winter's tale


But for me "The Body", about for boys who go in search of a dead boy one summer's day (and made into the film "Stand by me") absolutely is summer to me. I don't know why; it's set in  New England in the 1950's, but King just squeezes the very essense out of a hot summer day in the school holidays when you're about 11 or 12. It certainly takes me back to me own childhood every time I read it. Maybe it only works for boys - it's a very "boys own" type of story


Almost a shame that it's subtitled "Fall from innocence"!

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Thank you poppyshake and ian :smile:  I shall check them out ! I liked the film "Stand by me" (with baby Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix !) is it anything like the novella? I actually have the "Different Seasons" book but haven't read it all (it's in French... and I dislike reading English books in French...).

I'm off on holiday in England so won't be answering for the next week or so, but other suggestions are more than welcome in the meantime!

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Thank you poppyshake and ian :smile:  I shall check them out ! I liked the film "Stand by me" (with baby Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix !) is it anything like the novella? I actually have the "Different Seasons" book but haven't read it all (it's in French... and I dislike reading English books in French...).


I'm off on holiday in England so won't be answering for the next week or so, but other suggestions are more than welcome in the meantime!


It's almost exactly like the book, and well worth reading.

Enjoy your holiday!

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I have not read it yet, but you could associate Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima with the season of spring. According to the comments on goodreads it is a wonderfully written book.


Furthermore I would like to mention Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. While I was reading it, I could not stop thinking about these hot summer days, which were so much fun when I was young (They still are :D).

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