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Posts posted by Poolmonkey

  1. I`m reading Broken Angels by Montanari.


    My neighbour gave me a big black bin liner full of books - and this is one of them. I`d never heard of him before and I have to say I`m a bit bored and I`m nearly half way through.


    Have I picked the wrong book of his to start with ?


    I haven`t even looked at the other books. I just decided to pick one out at random and this was it.

  2. Here are my top 10 this year -


    Henry VIII, king and court - Alison Weir

    The rise and fall of ancient Egypt - Toby Wilkinson

    Quiet belief in angels - R J Ellory

    A safe place - Lorenzo Carcaterra

    The Ghost of Lily Painter - Caitlin Davies

    The Poisonwood bible - Barbara Kingsolver

    Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel

    The owl killers - Karen Maitland

    The time travellers guide to Medieval England - Ian Mortimer

    The shadow of the wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

  3. When I was a kid in the UK in the early 70s - we used to wander the streets with a hollowed out turnip with a candle in it, and because both of my parents worked full-time, by the time they got to the shops to buy the turnips, all the big ones had gone, so quite often we walked round with turnips the size of large apples :giggle2: We didn`t knock on neighbours doors, or do anything much apart from walk up and down our street, with frequent visits home when the wind blew out the candles.


    Nowadays it`s all become very americanized with pumpkins and `trick or treating` but with parents walking round with their children or having Halloween parties.


    Guy Fawkes night was another great laugh when I was growing up - we used to make a guy with old clothes stuffed with newspapers (or someone`s younger brother) and put them in a pram and wait outside the bingo, where we knew the women leaving would give us `a penny for the guy`

    Ah, the simple pleasures of life !!!!

  4. I have access to a Kindle though :P


    Chesilbeach - I can see what you mean about my book list expanding... December`s Reading Circle books look really interesting. I see a download coming on.

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