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Posts posted by Snapex

  1. Old

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer


    The OC




    One Tree Hill

    The Ringer

    The Secret Circle


    Still running

    Supernatural (even though I cant stand anything post season 5)

    Game Of Thrones

    Boardwalk Empire

    The Vampire Diaries

    True Blood

    Once Upon A Time


  2. I just finished the final book. It moves at a pretty good pace, but I found the inclusion of Nazis a bit odd and somewhat out of place, for some reason. I suppose the series never really focussed too much on human world events, so when this happened it was just strange. I think it worked, but I kept expecting stupid stuff to happen.


    The book as a whole was a lot more focussed, and it was still as good and depressing as the rest of the series. There was a pretty good twist near the end, but I think I saw it coming and it was all a little rushed, but the ultimate ending was good, as it linked it with the original saga.


    I haven't seen your spoilers, don't worry. Just thought I'd say that your little review has made me scared about reading the rest of the series haha. Depressing and upsetting? I can not handle any more heart ache when it comes to Larten, I just cant :( haha.

  3. Heyya,


    I'm Lydia new to the book forums and I love reading young adult fiction. My book shelves are filled with different series, at the moment I'm reading City of Lost souls (Immortal instruments) by Cassandra Clare and just finished Golden Lily (Bloodlines series) by Richelle Mead. I go to the book store all the time to see if there are any new books out in the young adult fiction. If you have any suggestions for books especially series I would love to hear them.




    Hello & welcome :)

    I've just finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor It was brilliant and I highly recommend it. Darren Shan also is highly recommended by me (just like Lord napsack haha).

    if you like The Hunger Games then how about Divergent by Veronica Roth

    Also because you like vampires how about House of The Night Series , The Southern Vampire Mysteries or The Vampire Diaries . I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of those books but then I like my vampires more traditional like in Anne Rice's books haha


    Hope that gave you some ideas :)

  4. I definitely thought that, though I think that because Darren Shan has a large enough fanbase it doesn't matter too much as most people who have picked these books up will have read the others, and if they haven't then they will want to read the others to understand the first book a lot more.


    And I do agree that the pacing of the books are near perfect. It's like a photo album, almost, showing snapshots of his life. But they are always key parts and actually make sense in the long run as to why they were included, either in the original Saga or in the later books. It was all planned out rather well :D


    Yeah you are right about his fanbase. I just hope people who are new to him decided to read the rest.


    I never thought of it like that but you are right, it is like a photo album.

    haha I'm looking forward to it. I'm really looking forward to Arra and Larten being together. And more of The Cirque du Freak obviously.

    I have an idea of how the last book will end, because of Darren's previous writing style, but I'll keep it to myself in case I'm wrong. We'll see next week haha.

  5. Haha, that's amazing, I remember he was doing a book signing at my local Waterstones and at the time it was only my little brother who liked his books (I hadn't actually read them at this point) so I said I'd take him to see him but it was on the condition that he had to behave himself all week or I wouldn't take him and unfortunately he didn't behave himself or whatever reason we didn't go (I can't actually remember why we didn't go, it was a few years back now). Kinda gutted I didn't go now, having read his books :P


    awwww bless you. He's such a nice man. I went to a signing at my local Waterstone a few months before, it was the first time I had met him and even though I don't like to admit it too much now, I cried haha. He was such an inspiration on me as a kid and meeting him was amazing.


    I know what you mean about not knowing anyone else who has read it. Its strange to think that nearly 10 years ago when I first started reading The Saga of Darren Shan hardly anyone had heard of him and now he's really big. Good luck to him though, no one deservers it more.

  6. I had that when I was re-reading the first couple before getting into the last two books. I was constantly smiling, but also felt really upset for what would happen.


    Also, I'm now having to force my way through Mockingjay. It's got to the point where I'm even having problems with the actual structure of the book itself, let alone the actual content. I have a lot to say to Suzanne Collins if I ever meet her :P


    Haha you mean what was to come in Killers of the Dawn? if so really trying hard to to think of it as it makes me cry every time. And no matter how many times I read it (its its been a lot haha) I always believe that everything was ok. I think its because I have want to believe everything will be ok!. (another reason why I love Darren Shan, he has no problems killing of main characters where lots of others play it safe)

    By the way , with Birth of a Killer (and what I imagined to be the rest) , even though I must admit I was happy with it, did you feel that Darren was in a way making it hard for people who haven't read The Saga of Darren Shan to keep track of what was going on? In the sense that he was a boy one minuet and then the next years had gone by? Now don't get me wrong, I think it was timed perfectly but I've read The Saga of Darren Shan back to front more times then I care to count and think the most important time in his life was obviously as an older vampire. It was nice to see where he came from and how he became a vampire but that was enough.

    I just think that some people who haven't read The Saga of Darren Shan and decided to read The Saga of Larten Crepsley first as they knew it was a prequel might think its a bit rushed and too fast paced. Or then again it could just be me haha. (wouldn't surprise me, my opinions normally differ from others)


    Hahaha bless you. If you don't like it you don't like it. Hell I think its refreshing that you don't because even though I love it all the hype is starting to get on my nerves now. It's why sometimes I try to stick to books without such big publicity surrounding it. I've made that mistake too many times recently.

    P.s I got the Battle Royal book yesterday. So once I've finished The Saga of Larten Crepsley I'll read it and tell you what I think :) & read Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Its got a love story, about angels & demons but its not like the rest, promise. I think you could like it.

  7. Finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor the other day, it was pretty amazing and I recommend it to anyone. And yesterday (after years of waiting) I finally started The Saga of Larten Crepsley by Darren Shan. Finished Birth of a Killer last night and I am about half way through the 2nd one.


    Its really good so far and I haven't been able to stop smiling while reading it haha. :)

  8. I know what you mean, for me it was the Harry Potter series that will always have a space in my heart, even though I'm older I have realised a fair few flaws and don't rate Rowling writing as highly as I used to.


    I haven't read the Demonata yet. My boyfriend owns, I think all of Darren Shan's books so I just steal them from him :P but I think I might leave it a bit til I read those as I like to have a variety of books to read but they're definitly on my list :)The Saga of Larten Crepsley, is kinda just a breif overview of his life rather than an full on story like The Saga of Darren Shan it just kinda highlights main events but it's still lovely as it shows the origins of other characters as well as Larten, it does make me kinda sad reading about Larten's life considering the events that occur in The Saga of Darren Shan but it's lovely to kinda reminisce a bit as I grew so fond of most of the characters in the series.


    I feel the same about Harry Potter as you haha. It will always be joint favourite with The Saga of Darren Shan. I even have the DH symbol for Harry Potter and part of the Darren Shan Saga & Demonata covers tattooed on me haha. Its to always remind me that without both those books I wouldn't be the person I was today.


    I was there when Darren Shan first said he would be doing The Saga of Larten Crepsley lol. He was doing a small signing/reading/Q&A at a local children's theatre near to me, so me and my best friend of the time (who lent me my first Darren Shan book) decided to go. Well at the start he told us that at the end of it he would read a chapter from his new 4 part series. As the Q&A come around lots of people were asking questions about possible films and what had happened to some characters. Well as I've always loved him and he was my favourite from the off I asked if he had ever thought about doing a stand alone book about Larten Crepsley in his younger years, before the circus and maybe before and how he became a vampire. He said that it was a possibility only to later go on and read a chapter from Birth of A Killer. After when it came to the book signing he couldn't stop laughing at me because my question left the perfect set up for his reading. Silly man, lovely but silly haha.

  9. You say he can do no wrong and I used to think that... before The Thing Executioner. People seem to love it, but me and my friend (another Darren Shan fan) hated it a lot. Let's just say that I think he was having a go at a particular religion (even though he says he wasn't) and that his political allegories were far to transparent that it seemed ridiculous.


    I started reading Procession of the Dead but found his writing style isn't entirely suited for a more adult audience. I need to pick it up again, but it's at my university house at the moment, so no chance of me picking it up right now :P


    I have to disagree on the lack of original ideas. You can do original stuff, it's just everyone wants to be safe and not push the boat too much, at least at first.


    Haha I guess. I'll most likely feel the same after reading it and it almost makes me not want to.

    I understand what you meant about Procession of the Dead . When I first read it I found myself comparing The Cardinal a lot to Mr Tiny from The Saga of Darren Shan. I couldn't tell you now why I thought it though, it was back in 2008 that I read the book so I don't remember an awful lot about it only that it was strange to me that Darren Shan was swearing in the books haha


    I agree, but because everyone wants to be safe and doesn't want to push the boat out to much the resulting in doing a story with either involving vampires, werewolves, angels, fairy's or magic of some kind, that has a love triangle between a girl and two boys (god forbid it be two girls and one boy) and the main boy is troubled in some way to make him think he isn't worthy of love. (I am of course talking about YA books.)

    Even though they are based around the same idea you might find one in ever 10 that is actually written well and stands out that little bit from the rest. Like I said, its not what your idea is but how you use it and evolve it in something of your own. That's what makes not only you as an author but your book stand out from the others like it. That's just my opinion on it anyway. Lots of people probably wouldn't agree.


    But then you could experience what I just did. I have just finished reading The

    Trylle Trilogy by

    Amanda Hocking. Its about a girl who finds out she's a troll, I wont give too much away in case your playing to read it. Anyway at first I thought it was really refreshing to read something that wasn't vampire ect. But as I got further into the book I got annoyed out how poorly written it was and how unoriginal it was becoming (you guessed it, there was a love triangle). So I asked myself would I rather read a YA book that had an unoriginal idea but wows me or something different that annoyed me.

    In all honesty, even though I think I'm getting too old to read YA, I might just stick to what I know in future.

  10. Oh my, my views on The Hunger Games probably couldn't be any more different :P But most of my views can be found sleepily written in the thread for the books.


    Also, seeing as you are a Darren Shan fan I'm wondering if you've read The Thin Executioner and what your thoughts are on the book. Also, have you kept an eye on the upcoming terribly named series Zom-B? (Bill-E, anyone?) Zombies are done to death, so I'm apprehensive, but have also pre-ordered a copy :blush2:


    Haha I'll have to go have a look at your views on them and see if I agree or disagree :P

    I hate to say it but I actually haven't yet. I've only just started reading as much as I did before I had my little girl so I've got a lot to catch up on.


    I'm actually really looking forward Zom-B but that might be because Darren Shan can do no wrong in my eyes and I haven't read a book about zombies yet (open to recommendations) so to me it would be refreshing.


    I think the trouble with YA (and other genres) is no idea is original anymore, its what you do with it that counts. So he might surprise you :P

  11. Welcome Snapex. Liked reading your thoughts on The Hunger Games. Must admit when I read it a lot of Haymitch and his motivations went over my head but seeing Woody Harrelson in the film did wake me up to those aspects of his character a bit.


    Even though I don't like to rethink a book when a film comes out I must admit that Woody Harrelson did make me look deeper into his character. I always liked him but it wasn't until I watched the movie that I paid more attention to him. The casting for that film was just perfect in my eyes, especially with Effie & Haymitch


    Hello Stacie and welcome! :)


    Thanking you and love your icon haha






    I'm not sure who my favourite Potter character would be, to be honest. Neville, possibly?


    Neville is one of my favourites too. Its Snape, Sirius, Ron, Lupin, Hagrid, Draco & Neville for me :)

  12. Hello and welcome :)


    I recently finished reading The Saga of Darren Shan. I absolutely loved it! I felt so attached to all the characters and loved every page of it! I even reviewed them on my blog (link below) and on my reading log page on this site. I'm currently reading The Saga of Larten Crepsley which (as you can probably guess) is a prequal to The Saga of Darren Shan. I look forward to hearing more of your views on Darren Shan's series (and any other books you've read). :D


    Haha he's just amazing tbh. But I'm a little biased because for me, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't the fanatic about books today :).

    I haven't actually read The Saga of Larten Crepsley yet, which is terrible for me as he was always my favourite character. I'm sure I've read the first one but for the life of my cant remember haha. I've read The Demonata series ( if you haven't read them run out and get them), Koyasan (a one of short book for world book day in 2006) & Procession of the Dead (the first in the first series he did for adults)

    Its also been a long time since I reread The Saga of Darren Shan, so its hard for me to give a proper review. All I'm saying is, it will always hold a very big part of my heart and I think it was perfect haha.


    Like I said in my introduction when a few months before I found I was pregnant till my daughter was about 2 years old I didn't really have time to read. So I lost touch with all the books I should have read (hence why I haven't read the rest of the books by my favourite author hahah). I'm going to finish when I'm reading ad start though, because it makes me sad to think there are books by him I have yet to read.

  13. Hi Stacie, welcome to the forum. I only joined this morning and I think I'm already hooked! Everyone is really friendly.


    My sister loves Darren Shan and I think has read every one of his at least once. I've read 'PS I Love You' by Ahern and 'My Sister's Keeper' by Picoult, as well as 'Harry Potter' and 'The Hunger Games'. What were your thoughts on 'The Hunger Games'? I've heard varying opinions and am interested in seeing how many match mine!


    My sisters keeper is an amazing book. But it was spoilt by the film.

    For me , I had been searching for a series to hook me and wow me as much as Harry Potter did. I only heard about it last year and within weeks of hearing its name I had bought and read it. I thought everything about the series was just right. The characters, the situation they were in and how the handled it amazed me. I think Katniss is an incredibly strong and inspiring young women and Peeta is very underrated and misunderstood. Haymitch is my favourite character. For a lot of reason but mainly for the love his has for Katniss & Peeta, despite everything he's seen and done, knowing he still had something in him to give moved me to tears. I love how Haymitch and Katniss have an almost father/daughter relationship because (I might be the only one) I think it was that which helped her become the person she needed to be. She no longer had to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders alone and take on the responsibilities because Haymitch was there for her through it all, advising her and guiding her. All in all I think the books were very well written and I think the love in the book was just enough. Katniss, even though she loved Peeta, never let that trail to much from the task at hand. She put the well being of others before him (in book 2 and 3) and didn't let it stop her from doing what she knew she had to, what only she could do. It was very refreshing to say the least.


    Reading those book made me feel complete for the first time since Harry Potter ended. It took a big part of me that I thought would never fill, but in 3 short books and the space of a week it did.


    Hahaha that's what I think. Sorry its long, its the first time I've properly put into words what I thought about the book. I've only started reviewing and as I read it summertime last year I have yet to review it haha.


    Hope it answered your question though :)

  14. 'lo!


    So I'm guessing your favourite character in Harry Potter is Lupin, then?


    I'm guessing that was a joke about my username? :P.

    He is one of my favourites, but my all time favourite has to be Severus Snape :)

  15. Greetings, I'm Stacie. I'm 22 and live in Surrey,UK with my 2 and a half year old daughter and my fiance.

    I've been reading since I was about 12/13 after first discovering the Darren Shan Saga & Harry Potter. Apart from when my daughter was 0-12 months old I've had a book in my hand pretty much every week.


    I love young adult, chick lit, fantasy, fiction, horror and romance.

    My favourite authors are Darren Shan, J K Rowling, Jodi Picoult and Cecelia Ahern.

    My favourite books (a few) are The Darren Shan Saga, The Demonata Series, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Nineteen Minuets, If You Could See Me Now, The Fault In Our Stars and House Rules


    not exactly sure what to write here. So if you want to know something, just ask :)

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