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Posts posted by TarquinDelouche

  1. That doesn't leave much then, does it? Even the contemporary fiction doesn't leave much fiction at all, because most classic fiction was contemporary at the time it was written, unless it was historical fiction (e.g. The Three Musketeers). Even so, you'll find many of the classic historical fictions will be recommended left, right and centre, because theyr'e so good. And you cannot escape recommendations, whether it's from people you know, people on forums, or reviews on book sites/in book stores.


    So I'm guessing your reading material is now narrowed down to the following:

    1) Classic historical fiction by authors nobody knows and so cannot make recommendations

    2) Non-fiction (excluding those books about anybody)


    With quite such a narrow field of reading tastes, I personally can't understand why one would join a book forum at all!


    Shakespeare is no longer contemporary. Dickens is no longer contemporary. His novels were considered contemporary at the time, but I wasn't there when he wrote them. The books are contemporary of his age, but not of this.


    When I said "Anything recommended to me by anybody", what I meant was when people hear I like reading say "Oh but you must SIMPLY read...." or "You would LOVE...". No I wouldn't. I love the books I read (classic literature) and am always disappointed by the instantly forgettable books that people have insisted I'd love.


    I joined a book forum not to find out what I should read next - I have a list of books as long as the 19th Century - but to discuss those books.

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