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Posts posted by Coryographies

  1. It all sounds good! Maybe it's a very short vacation? Like a long weekend perhaps ;)


    I'm seriously only taking two books, for a month, partly due to my bags not being big enough and not owning a kindle... but also as I said I dont think I'm going to get much reading time. And hopefully I'll make some buddies and can chit chat :)


    I'll be taking The Evolution of Language (proceedings of a recent conference, I'm writing an essay and forcing myself to read though it, yawn) and Language the Cultural Tool by Daniel Everett. Noticing a theme...? :)

  2. I'm off to France for a month, and I'm doing the packing thing. I dont have a lot of room for books, though I probably wont have much time to read while I'm there, so I'm just bringing 2. One for pleasure and one for study.


    But I wanted to pose a fun question... if you had to pack only 2 books right now for your summer vacation, out of books you already own now, what would they be?


    Think fast!

  3. Oooh the Biographical Dictionary sounds really good, I'm going to look that one up.


    Hm I think I'd be more interested in non-fiction books on the Victorians. I love a good historical fiction but I really don't enjoy the girly romance or the horror that seems to be most of what I come accross set in that era (or written in that era!).

  4. Good list! Love the God Delusion, enjoyed Eats Shoots and Leaves but think Lynne Truss is a looney. I'm new here too and have only been here for a shirt time and found lots I want to read, so I hope you find the same! :)

  5. As I stil consider myself a bit new to this tiny island, I really enjoy reading about its fascinating history (makes me feel more British? Who knows! It'll help me pass the citizenship test at least lol).


    I'm interested in the palaeolithic, but keep getting more and more interested in more 'recent' periods like the Bronze Age and the Anglo-Saxons. Sometimes I even like Medieval history but then we're getting just a bit to recent for my tastes ;) (then again I do love the Victorians!)


    Does anyone have any good books to recommend that they really enjoyed reading about British history? I'm currently reading Boudica by Vanessa Colleridge, and learning a lot about the Roman invasion of Britain and the things that led up to it. I also recently read The Year 1000 by Robert Lacey and Danny Danzinger, and Britain BC by Frances Pryor. So I'm all over the place!

  6. This author sounds like she writes on really interesting topics and periods - are they all about British prehistory? I'd love to read about something set in pre-roman times in Britain :) Can someone recommend me a title?

  7. I would argue that it isn't different, but I'd rather not open up that can of worms :)


    And I wasn't picking out homosexuality or sexuality specifically - various religions teach intolerance of many things (lifestyles, behaviour, world view...), and so do other structures like society or culture one belongs to, (religion isn't the only thing that does this!). But when we're faced with beliefs conflicting with our own view, it can be temping to think we have the automatic right to 'set the other person straight' and make them think like we do.


    I'm all for a good debate, letting people know my views on things, if the situation is appropriate - but with children it gets complicated, because they are under the care of their parents and not ours. It doesn't mean we can't talk to them and let them know our views on the world, it just means we need to be more careful, and to think about the ethical issues.

  8. I think you nailed it, you can read a historical novel, or a novel written in the actual period. No amount of research on the authors part is going to get them more in the head of a person from that era, while the period author is already there. The writing styles will be different, the language, the way of engaging with the reader, but that's all part of the experience as well.

  9. I'd go for non-fiction, not fiction - they sound old enough. Go for aomething in archaeology about human origins, or somethign that talks about 19th century anthropologists and how they studied different races, compared to modern views.


    It's an interesting problem though - what perogative do you have to tell them that their views are wrong? Will their father be angry if you're trying to change their minds about the issue? If they were homophobic and you showed them books on sexuality, or they were Christian an dyou showed them books about how god is probably not real, I can imagine offending the family. I know it's a lot less socially acceptable to be racist, but it's still someone else's children. Not saying I wouldn't air my views as well in that situation! Just thinking about the tension it can create.


    And while I'd let people know about my alternative views, answer any questions etc, I can't imagine handing the next door teenagers my copy of 'The God Delusion' and telling them to be more critical of their faith. I might to an adult, but for children that's sort of up to the parents.

  10. I used to love travelling more - now I'd say I love being new places, but maybe dont really enjoy the 'getting there' part :) I've lived in England for 4 years and still feel like a bit of a newbie sometimes


    I'm going to France for a month on Sunday for some archaeology! It's not really a 'vacation' as such, but I'll get to see a new place and practise my rusty French :)

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