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norm wilson

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Posts posted by norm wilson

  1. With me self publishing was handy way of getting a book out there . Because you were writing about a subject you felt strongly about . The book I self published was about the Heysel stadium disaster which I was present .A big Kevin Sampson fan I needed to tell the story of events from a street level prospective over the week leading up to the disaster . I hired a cottage in Oxfordshire banged it out in 5 months . That was in 2003 it sat on the shelf till 8 months ago . I went down the traditional routes with it with the usual rejection letters . Probably down to bad editing. But still feeling it was a true reflection of events . With wide interest , So loving writing I moved on to two new projects and I will going down the traditional routes once more . One about the Music Business the other about Free Running . Which one is all but completed with the other two thirds complete . But with my first novel sitting on a shelf an story untold . So along came self publishing . the perfect answer , So giving it a dust down 2 months going through it out it went . It has sold copies not thousands but it has stopped the nagging feeling I had inside, as I carry on working on my other projects.

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