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Posts posted by GracieLeeRose

  1. Call me stupid, Star, but I looked at your avatar and for some reason I mistook Avid Reader as your forum name. hahah I am so sorry.

    I am just getting used to this forum. I belong to IrishGaelicTranslationForum (IGTF) and members names are right above the avatar there. My bad.

    *blushing with embarrassment*

  2. I haven't read 1 of her books before but have the pact here waiting to be read now. should make a start on it nxt week.



    Hmm...will have to check out The Pact. Have not heard of it. Going to google it now.



    Avid Reader, I strongly recommend Salem Falls!

  3. My Sister's Keeper is definitely a keeper! Jody Picoult is awesome! I myself wished the movie would have stayed true with the book and not had an alternate ending. I preferred the book ending - truth be told.


    One of my favorites of her is Salem Falls! That hooked me with the first page. I couldn't put it down!

  4. I am new on this forum, just joined, have become a real book reader, used to read alot years ago, but just started up again.


    I started a Nora Roberts book last week 'River's End', could not put it down, now I am hooked on her books.


    I am just wondering if any of you readers have read any of her books and which are the best ones, feel now as if I will have to read all of them.


    Nora Roberts is the Queen of Romance for a reason. She is brilliant.

    Some of my favorites by her are

    The Born In trilogy:

    Born in Fire

    Born In Ice

    Born In Shame

    (you should read in order)


    Sullivan's Woman

    (read this on in one day)


    The Bride Quartet Series...

    (I've not started these but heard great things about them)


    Those are just some of my favorites....I have many more...have to check my shelves again. Been awhile since I've read them.

  5. Honestly, I heard the books are great, but after seeing the previews to the movie, it spoiled it for me. I lost my desire to read the books. I'm hoping someone can persuade me to read them anyway. Feel free to tell me why I NEED to read this series and what I'd be missing if I didn't. I would like to be re-interested.

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