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Posts posted by Gabriel

  1. The Exorcist. I still fear my bed will levitate and start bouncing around.


    Pet Sematary scared me when I was a teenager! Won't even look at the book or movies now. Just thinking about it/seeing the title gives me the creeps.


    Pet Sematary creeped me out pretty bad too.

  2. All of the above, King, Koontz, and I'm really stuck on the book I finished a few days ago, Wishbone,by Brooklyn Hudson. I really couldn't put it down. Liked it enough to contact the author on FB and let her know how I felt about the story. I really liked the Dexter book series too.

  3. I should add, the first several chapters have a lot of turmoil but the supernatural/horror stuff doesn't kick in until about 1/3rd of the way into the book. I kind of wondered what was up for the first few chapters, but once it kicks in it's consistant and the early part of the story is interesting enough to have kept my attention.

  4. I took a chance and ordered the kindle version of Wishbone because someone recommended the book to me on facebook. I have to admit it’s the first book I’ve read in some time that I couldn’t put down. I kept telling myself I would go to bed after the next chapter ended but inevitably I would be compelled to know more and keep reading. The author does a really great job at introducing the characters without over describing every detail. It’s hard to decide who the bad guys are because even the bad guys have heart and you sympathize with them and kind of understand their decisions. The main character (Julien) can be a little over reactive, but who doesn’t know someone like that, and as you get to know him you start to understand why. The author’s style flows well and covers all the important bases but allows for some reader imagination which I like. I hate when authors make the characters so one sided that it feels they are telling you who to love and who to hate. This author lets you decide for yourself. I’m 23 y/o so I was a little put off in the description because the characters are more mature but it didn’t make a difference in my ability to relate to the characters. It’s a thriller with some horror undertones kind of like Stephen King style. Some scary moments that were really creepy but no blood and guts horror. It really made me think about wishes and the trouble I could get myself into. It’s the kind of book I want to go back in a few weeks and read again (kind of like I felt about the movie The Sixth Sense). I hope they make a movie out of this (the authors bio suggests a screen adaption is in the works) cause there are some cool scenes I would really like to see translated to film. To sum it up, it’s a great story. Every time you think you’re heading into the same old clichés the author adds something different to change it up. Highly recommended read. I'll be looking for more works from this author in the future.

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