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Posts posted by JS1

  1. Hey guys,


    I'm posting this as Christmas is coming up and I'm looking for books for my girlfriend. She is a creative writing major who just graduated and loves reading. I am more of a sports guy and don't really know a lot about her interests.


    What I can do is list what I know! I know that she loves books set in the deep south (I.e. Local People - John Dittmer) but also loves fiction set through the civil war, civil rights movement etc.


    She is also into creative writing so if there are any outstanding works which you would think could stand out to a creative writing major, please let me know. I want to put together 7-8 books for her but I really don't know where to start!


    Thanks so much,




    Haha just re-read that, wow. Didn't mean I don't know about her interests, just that I didn't know what kind of books she liked!


    Makes me sound like a terrible boyfriend!

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