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Posts posted by HoneyGirl

  1. Hi there DJMonty (cool name btw!) and :welcomeboard:

    Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I do. I have just recently downloaded The Time Machine for my Kindle and intend to read it very soon. I love anything time travel related!


    Honey Girl, it's too true, feeling reluctant to start is an awful hurdle to overcome, but the benefits are both physical and mental, and even emotional. We're off to the gym now! No, really, we are! We have a treadmill and bike here, at home, but we're going for the elliptical "killer", and some weight machines.


    Oh tell me about it Pontalba! I have been on & off the diet for months now. I'm just really angry at myself for letting myself get to the stage where I am too overweight. I wouldn't say I am enormous but I am tubby and its depressing. I am really trying to get motivated and moving - so far I think I am doing pretty well but I am feeling so gross and swollen.

    I'm thinking on joining Weight Watchers too :character0104:

  3. Hey Duncan, I managed to order Wartime: Britain 1939-1945 from Waterstones Marketplace for £1.07 plus £2.79 postage so a bargain! I had to get it second hand as couldn't get it anywhere new :negative:

    Whilst I was online ordering bargains, I got two others - How We Lived Then: a History of Everyday Life During the Second World War by Norman Longmate for 82p and London at War by Philip Ziegler for £2.81. Just waiting for them all to arrive now as well as a new bookcase on Monday! :011:

  4. That sounds fascinating Devi, thanks so much for the recommendation - I'm off to get it on my wishlist, any more you have will be greatly appreciated. Plus if you see any titles you like the look of on my list, let me know and I will send you the synopsis :)


    ETA: Sorry for the delay in me replying, sometimes I don't check everywhere on here properly!

  5. Hi Danielle and Pontesusie,


    All views are welcome here - I loved this book, but I like hearing what other people thought of it, good or bad :) I've read books in the past that people have raved about, and I didn't enjoy them at all. It's good to hear other people's views. Also, you have piqued my interest in Brothers In War and Dear Joan :)

    Sorry I did not see this earlier Ruth. I think if you enjoyed Potato Pie then you will love those other two books. I will send you a PM with the synopsis of both so I'm not intruding on this thread!
  6. I don't actually mind and buy a lot of my books online. With the feature of being able to "Look Inside" the book on Amazon I spend hours browsing through first before I commit to buying. I also read the reviews to get the jist. I have to try to save money as much as possible so if I was buying in the bookshop (Waterstones, WHSmiths) I wouldn't be able to buy as many books seeing as they are generally full price in store but reduced online.


    I do love to go into The Works and look in there, also like to go to charity shops and look at the books. I have a huge list saved on my laptop of books I'd like to buy and I often review this list by double checking though the "Look Inside" to see if its a definite, a maybe or can be forgotten about.


    That makes me sound weird :P

  7. Has anyone read this yet? I do not usually like fictiion but I really fancy this one. Here is the synopsis from Waterstones:


    BLACKOUT is the opening movement of a vast, absorbing two-volume novel that may well prove to be Connie Willis' masterpiece. Like her multi-award winning THE DOOMSDAY BOOK, this stunning new work marries the intricate mechanics of time travel to the gritty - and dangerous - realities of human history. The narrative opens in Oxford, England in 2060, where a trio of time traveling scholars prepares to depart for various corners of the Second World War. Their mission: to observe, from a safe vantage point, the day-to-day nature of life during this critical historical moment. As the action ranges from the evacuation of Dunkirk to the manor houses of rural England to the quotidian horrors of London during the Blitz, the objective nature of their roles gradually changes. Cut off from the safety net of the future and caught up in the chaotic events that make up history, they are forced to participate, in unexpected ways, in the defining events of the era. BLACKOUT is an ingeniously constructed time travel novel and a grand entertainment. More than that, it is a moving, exquisitely detailed portrait of a world under siege, a world dominated by chaos, uncertainty, and the threat of imminent extinction. It is the rare sort of book that transcends the limits of genre, offering pleasure, insight, and illumination on virtually every page.

  8. ooh, I'm almost ashamed to say this ... but I didn't like it at all. I read it for my readers group and its not something I would have picked up otherwise.

    I found it far too sentimental about the good people of Guernsey, and Juliet made me so angry - I felt that she was living some sort of fairytale. It can't last!!


    The only thing I can say in its favour is that its whetted my appetite for learning more about what happened on the island during the occupation - but I think I'll head for the history shelves :smile:

    I have to say that I agree with you on all of your post, including the end sentence.


    I enjoyed this book as I read it but after that I started to read a non fiction book about the war and it really showed up Potato Peel Pie for what it is in my eyes. I really do not like it at all, its okay for a light hearted read in the sunshine on a summers day I suppose (although I won't be reading it again, it might make me sick to my stomach) but if you want real sentiments I'd read something non fiction such as Brothers in War or Dear Joan.


    I know a lot of people enjoyed Potato Peel Pie and I'm sorry if people don't agree with my review (I am trying not be too harsh about it as it seems popular here) but I really hate it since I digested its contents.

  9. Boy, lots of you seem to be into the Zumba classes! I don't know if I could keep up with it though!

    I think you can just go and sit down if you're feeling tired then get up and carry on after a rest. Maybe you could try it and see what you think? It looks like great fun! I am sure I am going to be the same when I start, but I will soon build my stamina up :)
  10. Kell that sampler is gorgeous, I love it!


    I am back at working on my Tiger Pool again now things are getting back to normal at my house, I am loving it so much and feel like racing through it but I'm just so tired tonight I know I would end up having to frog.

    I am also making a bag for my mum at the moment. Not started it yet but bought the fabric today :D

  11. I'm currently trying to get into shape and have bought a cross trainer. I do 4 days of 40 minutes and 3 days of 20 minutes. Its really great and I am seeing results already and I've only had it a couple of weeks. I'm also going to join a Zumba class but have to make sure my mum is alright first as shes been quite unwell lately.


    I cannot remember if I have posted on this thread before....I really have to push myself to get motivated as most days I cannot be bothered but I just think of clothes that I want to fit into and that usually spurs me on :D

  12. Another great thread, its good to see what people look like :D Timmo I have to admit I did a double take when I saw your pic as you look so much like a lad I know, the likeness is quite incredible - you could be his long lost twin!


    There's some lovely photos on here - don't know if I am brave enough to post mine though (I hate my photo taken as not got much confidence!)

  13. Wow what a fascinating thread this is :D I will have to get some pics of the bookcases in my bedroom up on here, although I am having an overhaul of them soon and shall be getting a half bookcase for the side of my wardrobe and a larger bookcase to replace the small one I have. My bedroom is very small so I need to make as much of the space available as I can.


    Personally, I find the genre a bit distasteful. If you are reading the books because you have had similar experiences and they are helping you to deal with it I can see they would be useful, but I don't understand why someone with no personal insight into the situation would find them interesting, it all seems a bit, err, voyeuristic? to me.


    Please don't take that personally K1nS, I�m not having a go!

    I have to say that I am also of this mindset, and again, no offence to anyone who does read and enjoy this genre but I am seeing lots of them in charity shops lately, sometimes the title does not give away what the book might be about and I pick the book up, see what the synopsis is on the back then instantly put the book back on the shelf as I cannot say that I want to read about such horrific things.

    I especially cannot understand fictional stories on this level - I mean, a true life account might be something that gives the victim a way of expressing themselves and maybe helping them along their path to recovery (which would obviously be a good thing) - but for someone to write fiction on such a topic seems a bit....well....odd.


    On another note, I could not be bothered to read about an alcoholic or druggie either, but thats just my personal opinion.


    We're all different though and it would be a boring place if we all enjoyed the same thing - just adding my tuppence worth ;)

  15. Hi Duncan, how are you? Are you feeling any better yet? I've not been online in so long due to my mum being in hospital...I just made a post about it in my "Danielle's World" thread over in the personal section.


    I have tried to order Wartime: Britain 1939-1945 but have been informed that it is no longer in print and the publisher may re-print it, so I am waiting on it. Its still on order so I am assuming that maybe its getting a re-print, I just hope that they have not taken anything out of it as I know they have a tendency to do that. If the current order I have for it takes too long then I shall be ordering it second hand from Amazon if I don't find it in a charity shop first......... :P

    How are you getting on with it? Have you still put it down for more enjoyable reading?


    Oh the iPad is going great thanks, got many brilliant apps on it, including the Kindle one, not that I use that one much now I have an ACTUAL Kindle!

  16. I am deeply interested in the local history side of these books and would dearly love to read how the east end used to be. Unfortunately after reading a few reviews and being informed that there are a lot of explanations of examinations (I'm sure you know which kind I am alluding to without me saying so) and details of women giving birth, it puts me right off. I really do not enjoy hearing details of births - so if anyone can inform me otherwise on these books I would be grateful?

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