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Status Updates posted by Abcinthia

  1. Enjoying a nice, hot cup of tea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. julie



      Do you have the cookies with your tea ,like they say in books, or is that a thing of the past, like the afternoon teas ?

    3. Abcinthia


      When I have tea in the afternoon (I normally have 3+ cups a day) I will usually have a biscuit, cake or scone with it but it's not done with any ceremony like in books. I don't even own a tea pot at the moment.

    4. julie



      I'm not a tea drinker myself, but I'm sure it's much healthier than what I drink : Coke .

  2. Going to London today :D

    1. Chrissy


      Hope you had / are having fun. : )

  3. I received my first birthday card in the post today. I cannot wait until Friday :D

    1. Michelle


      That's close to Christmas! :)

  4. In the past two days I have baked bagels, cakes, choc chip cookies and cheese scones. Now I am just waiting for my friend to arrive so we can eat it all! :D

    1. poppyshake


      Can I be your friend? :)

    2. Abcinthia


      Sure, I made loads so I've got plenty to go around :)

    3. vodkafan


      Totally in awe of someone who has the cooking skills to make that stuff. I would have just ate all the ingredients without cooking.

  5. Tried to make doughnuts today. They were going well until all the filling leaked out of them :D

    1. poppyshake


      Still sounds yummy though .. did they taste good that's the main thing?

    2. Abcinthia


      Yeah they tasted really nice. I'll have to make them again soon but try to pinch the edges around the filling a bit better.

  6. Woooooooo it's my birthday :D

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    2. Books do furnish a room

      Books do furnish a room

      Many happy returns for yesterday

    3. bethany725


      Happy birthday! :)

    4. pickle


      Happy Birthday hope you had a good one


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