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Status Updates posted by Star

  1. Best hurry up & finish this book I've started as I have 'ME BEFORE YOU' by JO JO MOYES waiting at the library for me YAY!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Star


      No I haven't. Was going to go collect it from the library yest but it was closed. I'm gutted. I can't get there until tomorrow now. I hope they'll still let me get it as last day for collection is today but I can't get there :-( fingers crossed x

    3. Star


      p.s -- very excited to read it. It's getting amazing reviews and a lot of people have said it will be hard to beat it for book of the year and it only came out in jan so that's saying something x

    4. Star


      I've got it Chalie WAHOOOO canne wait for some mush!!! xx

  2. Breaking Dawn 2moz wahoooooo!!!!!!!!

  3. Can't believe its Christmas Sunday wowzers!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Janet


      Oh, you changed your status update! I guess you did then!

    3. Star


      I did reply to your last update on ym old status. Thank you for your help I did. I kept clicking on my name & all I could do wwas update my status but if I click on my pic then bobs your uncle. Thanks xx

    4. Janet


      No problems - I didn't see your reply. :)


      And I can't believe it's Christmas on Sunday either!! :)

  4. Can't believe the year is nearly over. Where has it gone?? I feel I've done nothing but work. Need some excitement

    1. poppyshake


      You can cram a lot of excitement into three weeks, start now.

  5. Can't wait to break up tonight for XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. cannot get enough of the host. well done Ms Meyer yet again!!!!!

    1. chaliepud


      I loved The Host too Star!

    2. Star


      Its amazing!! I can't believe how quickly i'm getting through it. 200 pages left or there about!!

  7. Cannot wait to start on the second hunger games now that I have it!!!!!

  8. Channing Tatum is H.O.T - why can't I find a man like him (Leo)

  9. cooking a vegetable curry for tea & home made cheesecake mmmm roll on home time I'm straving!!!

  10. determined to make 2013 MY year & see the world!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrissy


      Any particular destinations in mind?

    3. Star


      Hoping oz, new Zealand, Fiji, south east Asia & south America. thats the ideal plan but we'll see. scary to take the leap but its something i need to do

    4. Chrissy


      Wonderful ideas - you MUST do some of them at least. : )

  11. Don't think I'll ever get through my wish list - Not enough hours and can't stop looking for new reads EEEKK!!!

    1. Inver


      lol...sounds like me..

  12. Feeling down in the dumps :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Weave


      *hugs* Star x

    3. poppyshake


      awww xx hope you're feeling better today

    4. Kirsty_S


      Hope you are feeling better today xx

  13. finally finished the twilight saga .... so depressed now that its all over. I can't manage to get stuck into another book :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Charm


      If you like a series, thebookpeople.co.uk are selling the first 8 Morganville Vampire books by Rachel Cain for £4.99 :D - really good YA series IMO

    3. Charm


      Ooops sorry - that should be first 6 books for £6.99 ;)

    4. shelley.s


      There are 2 serires One is the immortal instrumnets and the other is the infernal devices. Clock work Angel is the first book in the Infernal devices trilogy. It was really good x

  14. finished my book. had a good cry. its 1 that will stay with me for a long time if not forever. deserves all the great reviews!!!!!!!!

  15. Finished the first book of Hunger Games series and loved it!!!! Why did it take me so long to start it??

    1. Ben


      I was the same, I didn't read them until a couple of days ago and when I read them I instantly regretted not reading them earlier.

  16. going to give blood arrrggghhhh scared!!! I don't handle blood or needles or anything like that very well :-S

    1. shelley.s


      just reading that made me feel queasy! Hope it went ok

    2. ~Andrea~


      As a blood donor? Then I take my hat off if it scares you that much. It's a great thing to do!! (I am too scared to do it)

    3. Star


      Yes as a blood donor. I am so scared!!! I can't stand things like that or needles. My veins collapse & I go all faint but the end result is worth it ..... hopefully saving a life xx

  17. going to have puffy eyes 2moz now after blubbing over my book

    1. Inver


      oh dear...good story then

    2. Star


      Yes a book about first love and abuse but written in a beautiful way where you really connect with the characters. So tired today. You know when you cry so much it drains you lol :-s

    3. Inver


      Oh yes I know that feeling all to well, but not necessarily over a book!


  18. going to have puffy eyes tomorrow after crying my eyes out over my first nicholas sparks novel AMAZING & not finished yet

    1. Star


      Yep the eyes are well & truly puffy. Not a good look. Feel awful too from all that blubbing, drained lol.

  19. has any1 read hush hush by becca fitzpatrick?? cant decide if to purchase or not hmmmm

    1. chaliepud


      My 11 year old daughter just finished it and really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if that's a good recommendation??


    2. Star


      HeHe thanks Chalie. I'm not sure either :-s I'm 25 & wondering if its for the youngsters (even though that is the target audience) but thank you for commenting lovely :-)

  20. Has the site been down all day?? Not been able to access it from work :-S

    1. Ben


      There was some down-time because of the server change. :)

    2. Michelle


      I've just been informed there's been a problem which is now resolved. The actual server move will be over the weekend.

    3. Star


      thanks guys .... its been a long day without then site - had withdrawl symptoms x

  21. Have just discovered Colleen Hoover. Wow I haven't felt like this since Edward Cullen in Twilight !!!!

  22. Have just discovered the vampire diaries tv series .... move over Edward Stefan is in town hubba hubba!!!!

    1. chaliepud


      Oh no, it's got to be bad boy Damon for me! I'm on season 3 and it's getting better and better!

  23. Heartbroken my beautiful pooch passed away unexpectedly last night. I've lost my best friend :-(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Janet


      So sorry to hear this news. :( *Hug*


    3. madcow


      Big hugs Star, I know what your going through (we lost our beloved Jake in July) x x x

    4. chaliepud


      So sorry to hear your news Star, I am dreading this moment, I hope you have lots have lovely memories x


  24. hols booked, summer here, whats not to be happy about!! Wahoooo!!! Time to plan my books ready for all that sunshine!!

  25. I don't know how to edit my profile now HELP !! :-S

    1. Janet


      If you click on your username it ought to say 'edit profile' on the top right-hand side of the screen?

    2. Star


      Thanks Janet you little beauty :-)

      I was doing that but it only gave me the option to update my profile but if I click on my photo bobs your uncle ;-) Thanks xxx

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