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Posts posted by Mazzie

  1. Welcome to the forum Mazzie. What books do you have?



    Boy, I own hundreds of books and they varies in nonfiction, manuals, thriller, horror, philosophy, science fiction, fantasy, etc. I might compile a list online somehow but I don't know if there's a good website for that!




    Thank everyone for welcoming me here :)

  2. Watched Dazed and Confused for 10000000th time last night. I will never get sick of that film. Also, I saw Anastasia (the animation by Don Bluth) with my adorable niece. Enjoyed that film although it's very inaccurate portrayal of what happened to the real life Anastasia.

  3. Pics as promised! First three pics are old bookcase with cardboard box additions as it was, and the new bookcases. Then we have the old bookcase with the new shelves on top and next to it, and then the new used bookcase of mine :smile2:



    I noticed in some of the pictures you have couple of novels by Kathy Reichs. Good choice :)

  4. Currently I follow Bones. It's awesome show about forensic anthropology and how it help FBI solve unsolved murders.


    However, my all time favorites are The X-Files, 3rd Rock From Sun, Star Trek Voyager, My Name is Earl, and Pushing Daisies.

  5. Glad to find this thread all about football! I'm really excited for this weekend and my team is Liverpool. I really think they will be strong contenders this season with all the great additions to the squad.


    I also root for Cork City in Irish League since that's where I was born. Got to represent my hometown. I live in New York but find MLS too dire to watch.

  6. I've read all short stories written by Franz and I really love his style of writing. Most of the time you don't really know what's going on except the main character's point of view which can be pretty confusing but at the same time just can't stop reading and find out what happens next.

  7. Ah yes Hunter S. Thompson... one of my favorite journalist. This is probably one of his best works. I've read the books several times and saw the film which is well made. Definitely recommended for anyone who enjoy an adventure and thought provoking novel.

  8. Sorry for double posting but it seems like I can't edit my posts yet. I assume it's because I'm still a new member. I read through the mods introduction threads and the format they used is brillant so I figured I should use the format and modify it for myself (I'm not a mod after all).


    So here it is!



    Full Name – Mazzie

    Age – 25

    Location – Currently in New York

    Marital Status/Children – Married and no kids



    Favourite bands/singers - Too many to name but here's some: Zao, Garbage, Black Pyramid, With Faith or Flames, Despised Icon, and many more.


    Favourite movies - Again, too many but here's some: Star Wars (all of 'em), Leon, Fifth Element(gotta love Luc Besson), Amelie, Million Dollar Baby, Pulp Fiction, Seventh Seal(Ingmar Bergman!), Hidden Fortress(Akira Kurosawa!), and many more.


    Favourite books - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, 1984 by George Orwell, The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn, Family by Pa Chin, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, and many more.


    Favourite authors - Ayn Rand, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Zahn, George Orwell, Ken Kesey, and more.


    Why did you join The Book Club Forum?

    I've been looking for an online community to join and discuss books. I don't really have anyone around here to talk about books.




    We all know you love reading, but what kind of books do you most enjoy and why?

    I pretty much enjoy almost all genres except for romance and some of the popular series like Twilight or Harry Potter. I am really into books that really make you think.


    Which book do you most often recommend to others and why?

    To Kill a Mockingbird! I always recommend that book because it's not too difficult to read yet it really make you think.


    What other interests do you have and what drew you to them?

    Films- I studied video editing and I am a film buff so that's big part of my life..probably more than books to be honest.


    I used to be into extreme sports like skateboarding and snowboarding but I nearly broke my back in half couple of years ago and I had to stop :(


    I am going back to school AGAIN to get Bachelors in Museum Studies with specialty in either art or cultural history. I LOVE to learn about other cultures and their art and history.


    Tell us three unusual and interesting things about yourself…

    1. I'm deaf but I never allow that to stop myself or anyone else from being "normal" and I don't consider myself disabled nor do I want anyone else to as well. I can pretty much do anything except speak well. I can even hear well with hearing aids.


    2. I have tons of tattoos and I don't plan to stop anytime soon!


    3. I am an animal lover and I own 3 cats and a lizard. I plan to get a dog in fall since I just moved in a house with big yard.

  9. Thanks :)


    Currently I have several books I'm reading at the same time:


    "Tex" S.E. Hinton

    "Last Steps" Leo Tolstoy

    "High Fidelity" Nick Hornby

    "Dune" Frank Herbert (my 500th time reading or something like that ha)



    I also have tons of books lying around that I stopped reading for some reason and should get back to.

  10. Hello,


    I'm Mazzie and I've been a bookworm for as long as I could remember. I've been looking for some kind of online community that discuss books since I don't really have anyone around me that loves to read as much as I do. Glad I am able to find this place and hopefully I'll be able to participate in the discussions often. :)

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