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Posts posted by scarymary555

  1. Thank you very much for your welcomes. I'm slowly finding my way around this great site and hope to join in lots of discussions along the way. I must admit to getting a lot more reading done with my e-reader than with my 'real' book at the moment! :giggle2:

  2. I read alot when I was a kid/teenager but it was mostly cheezy teenage drama books along with Harry Potter. In those days I had time... Then I took a phase where I was really into parenting and psychological stuff so I moved to self help and non fiction books (a phase I really dread) along with school books.


    Now I'm kind of re-invinting myself by starting to read fiction again but now I'm old with kids (well I'm actually only 22 but with kids it feels old) and I feel like I never have time to sit down and just read. I take my books along everywhere I go and I often read when we're visiting family or if we're spending time in our summer house, but I often feel like I'm rude for not talking to people and wanting to be alone. I love to read in the car so when we travel I hardly ever look out of the window to admire the landscape - my head is always covered with some book (this really bothered my father when I was a kid (and that I always had some music in my ears too) and he claims that's why I'm so bad with directions - because I was always in some other world. I don't know what to think about that).


    I mostly try to read in the evening when the kids are down but then, I'm so tired I fall asleep after only 2 - 6 pages! Then when I actually have some time I often spend it too much on watching TV shows and surfing the internet.


    Are you having this problem too? When/where do you do your reading?



    Good question and I have a feeling that my reading habits will be changing a bit now thanks to my new e-reader. I still love books and will be reading them at home during the day or in the evening if there's not much on TV (which is most of the time!) But now I will be taking my e-reader everywhere (as it's so light) with me in my bag and will happily read in doctors or dentists waiting rooms, while waiting to meet someone, on a park bench etc.


    M x

  3. My name is Kim and I live in Queensland Australia. My intrests are reading paronormal romance novels. I have the full series of True Blood,Dark Hunter series, Carpathian series novels and several others. At time of this posting it is 7:52pm Australian time.



    Hi Kim


    I'm new today so Hi to you too! :friends3:

  4. Hello everyone!


    I'm new here (today!) so thought I'd quickly introduce myself whilst having a nose around the site.


    I'm 35 and live in Sheffield (originally a Laandaaner). I love reading but find that I don't read that much at the moment so trying to revive the hobby, hence joining this forum!


    I'm looking forward to meeting you all (albeit virtually) soon and I hope I can contribute to the site when I'm not so scared of it! :D





    I'm new today too - so hello to you too! :friends3:

  5. Alright.....I'm lying, it's not sunny!


    Anyhoo a bit about me......I love reading and have done so all my life (fell in love with libraries at a young age!?). I've just treated myself to an e-reader (Sony) and although it's still very new to me I can't say it will lessen my love of books. :readingtwo:


    On a personal note: I'm 55, divored, mother of two, owned by a rescue dog and two cats and work part-time. I also love cinema, wine, knitting and watching TV.


    That's it for now - don't want to bore you to death on my first post! :rolleyes:

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