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  1. Sounds similar to my own beliefs then - although I don't think it's about improving our rank, for in the spirit world (or for that matter here) it is all about experience. The term rank implies heirarchy when imo at least there is none.


    True, b ut the interesting part is that he isolates the body from the soul completely as if they are two different entities, as if there is a possibility that a body lives without a soul. I recommend you read it, I have my doubts, I wish he can do his experiments on me. Maybe I was a king or something in the ancient times :P

  2. Can't say I have heard of this one, but the title sounds interesting, so perhaps I will look it up.


    It is, the author claims that he can talk to souls through what he calls regression sessions... He claims that our souls are as old as thousands of years and they live multiple lives to improve themselves in rank....

  3. Just been exploring this site at www.goodreads.com. Bit like Librarything and Shelfari. You can log your books, write reviews and vote etc. Not sure whether to sign up as I use LT. Have a look and see what you think - anyone using the site? :welcome:


    I'm on Goodreads too, it is a great place to share your books and reviews, it has huge DB of books not only English. My name is Ali Shams on Goodreads.

  4. I didn’t see any mentions for this book by Michael Newton here so I thought I can share it. Did anybody read it? What do you think, do you think that it is real?


    [Admin Edit: This has been merged - title of book was Journey of Souls]

  5. Let's say for school, or in a reading circle where you are opposed to reading a certain book. Can you enjoy a book someone else has ordered you to read?


    I am like a 2 year old kid in this respect. I hate having people tell you what you MUST read. Even for school. It becomes a chore. Homework. I might have chosen to read that book on my own at some point, but when someone forces me to read something, I get a negative start which can alter the way I end up feeling about the book.


    People in nature don’t like to be forced. But if you don’t force some people to read they become negligent, children in school is an example. Myself if I had to read a book then I tried to enjoy it as much as I possible.

  6. I've noticed lots of mainstream celebrities talking about spiritual and inspirational books.


    Do you guys think that 'The Secret', "The Alchemist' & "The celestine prophecy' have made a larger impact on society?


    I've read a lot that have personally inspired me, and I'm so glad to see how many millions are starting to use literature as a path to inspiration and spiritual development.


    The newest one I keep hearing about is called "The Yes After Yesterday : [link removed] " . Just saw the trailer and it looks like it's going to be the next big thing in this department.


    But, what are your thoughts on all the books mentioned above?


    I have read the Secret and the Alchemist, and would definitely look up for the other books you mentioned. The Secret triggered this question, what if two people want the same thing, would it go to the one that wants it more? Lottery for instance! When we desire what we want, are we desiring what we are supposed to have, or we are changing the events just to serve our wants?! Personally I think it is to help you more to realize what is your real goal at life and what you are supposed to have more than achieving your unlimited wants!!! Just an opinion… but certainly it gives you a new perspective in looking at life….


    The Alchemist, I like the simplicity and the idea of omens which contradicts The law of Attraction in the Secret to some degree. But the question which I also raised on my recent book, if you believe in Omens then you believe in God, and if you believe in God you must also believe in Devil, but could some of these omens be the creation of devil then. But I like the simplicity in the way the story is told, and coming from the Middle East I loved the Egyptian part of it, and how Christians see Moslems as infidels and vice versa.

  7. I did check to see if there was already a topic about this, but couldn't find one using the search.


    When reading a book in public and you come to a funny or sad part of a book and you need to laugh or cry, do you just it or just try and keep to yourself so other people won't think your weird?


    I thought ill ask because coming home on the bus I was reading my book and I cam to a really funny part and I just wanted to laugh, which I kinda did, I was smiling, but everytime I need to laugh I hid under my scarf just to have a little giggle.


    Plus when I come to a really lovey dovey part in a story I kinda smile to myself and hide my face, but that mainly happens when I'm in front of my parents.


    I would certainly unconsciously smile for the funny parts, I never cry though, but when I read something smart, I look around, as if I want to shout and say “Can you believe what this guy just said?!”

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