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Posts posted by WeetabixFork

  1. It sounds like a Edward Gorey book but I'm not sure of the title :)


    Edward Gorey~Click Here :D :)


    Source: Wikipedia


    Thanks for the suggestion, but No, I looked and they are definitely not Edward Gorey books. His seem to be more black and white drawings, with colour sometimes, but the books I'm looking for were very colourful, and just another point, I last read them around 10-15 years ago in the primary school library.

    Thanks for trying anyway.

  2. Hi, I'm looking for a strange children's picture book. (at least I think it didn't have much text in it)

    I've been looking all over the internet for this book. Problem is I don't remember the title, and it was just full of pictures.


    Basically there were 2 books. One was set on a ship and another in a hotel. There was some sort of green goo/slime in at least one of them, that when it touched the characters, they would transform into monsters and stuff throughout the following pages. The idea of the whole book was that it showed things changing from page to page, and the general destruction and disorder of things, from order and normality at the beginning of the book. I'm not sure if the green goo was what affected the transformation in both books, but the transformation and time progression with pictures was definitely the main theme. In the ship one I think there was a shipwreck at some stage, possibly that was the catalyst for that disaster.


    I would really appreciate it if anyone has any ideas, because I know this book influenced my imagination a lot as a child, and has kind of left an imprint in my mind. :)

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