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Posts posted by Malcore2009

  1. I loved the book, but after figuring out the ending I'm a little confused. I mean, the whole book was amazing in the sense that it paints you a perfect picture of how man evolved and brings up some amazing, although hypothetical, situations regarding how we will continue to evolve and become one with the universe... but then the end, it just brings up this whole... "nuclear weapons are bad" statement, and it felt like it came out of nowhere. If the book would have just ended with Bowman becoming omnipotent and such, the book would have been perfect. Nonetheless it was still a great book.



    Also, with Bowman becoming omnipotent at the end, is this supposed to be suggesting that man's final stage of evolution is to become god(like)? It appears that Bowman had become godlike in the end. It reminds me a lot of The Last Question by Isaac Asimov


    Lastly, did Dave Bowman ever actually leave the monolith on Japedus? Or did he just go on an intellectual journey through the stars while simultaneously becoming omnipotent?



    I have never seen the movie so this is just what I'm getting from the book. I had to spark note the last 2 chapters because I just got extremely lost out of nowhere at a few parts.

  2. A nice list there Malcore!


    'Neuromancer' is a favourite of mine. I hope you enjoy it. :)


    Thanks; I really had no idea what Neuromancer was about before picking it up, I just remember seeing it mentioned somewhere online and I thought "what the hell?"



    The Jungle is a book that's gone out of fashion these days, bit like The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, but it's still a very powerful read.


    I really liked The Jungle. It gave me an appreciation for work ethic, which, being a 20 year old college kid who does nothing but play video games all day, was something I needed. The only things I disliked about the book were how it seemed every couple pages something terrible would happen to Jurgis. After the first few tragedies I actually felt bad for the guy, but after a while I just started to think, ok, this is a bit extreme. I just tried keeping in mind that in that time period everything that happened to him was entirely possible and because I did that, it managed to still seem tragic to me (which I liked). Sometimes I enjoy reading a tragedy just to experience that extreme on the continuum of pain/pleasure, to imagine just how hard things could be. The other thing I sort of disliked about the book was that you could tell Sinclair was sort of pushing his own political agenda near the end. But other than that I loved the book, and I'll have to check out the one you recommended. Thanks

  3. I'm new to this website, and in the last 5 months I've really started to read a lot of various books, mostly fictional novels and am just in the process of finding new books to read. I haven't really come across a book I've hated in the last 6 months and I'm hoping that doesn't change. In March I initially wanted to read 5 more books this year, but after a month I changed it to 10. I may end up changing it yet again at this rate


    Books I've read in the last ~5 months

    Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

    The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick

    The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

    Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell



    Books I want to read by the end of 2011

    2001: A Space Odyssey (currently reading)

    As much of Philip K. Dick and Cormac McCarthy as I can

    World War Z


    The Andromeda Strain




    As one can probably infer, I don't have many ideas as to what I should read, which is kind of why at the moment I'm reading anything that interests me, and which is why I joined this forum. Will be updating soon hopefully

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