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Posts posted by WaspDog

  1. I'm searching for a thriller that was out a number of years ago, which I saw in a UK book club brochure.


    From what little I recall, the story was about a guy (who may have been a hitman or secret agent) who is diagnosed with a deadly disease by his doctor. After being given a few weeks or days to live, he decides to go out with a bang. He contacts a number of the worlds top assassins/secret agents, informing that he will be at a specific place at a specific time and if they want to take him out, they can come and get him.


    Roll forward to the time and place. He's sitting there with his weapons laid out, ready to go out in an almighty firefight when, ten minutes or so before the deadline, his phone rings. He answers it. It's his doctor, apologising to him for a mix up at the hospital. It appears that his test results were mixed up with those of another patient and he's actually got a clean bill of health(!!!!!!!!!).


    As far as I remember, two of the assassins were female twins(?).


    Any help identifying this thriller would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

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