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book worm at heart

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Posts posted by book worm at heart

  1. hi this book I'm going to ask you about might not be to your taste but just in case I was wondering if anyone has read ' scandalous' by tilly bagshawe I recently got given it and its not something I usually go for but I pretty much read anything I can get my hands on!

    have you read any of her books at all? if so could you tell me wether I should give them a try or not thanks :D

  2. I think I would like to give the book you have finished reading a try 'breakfast in bed' by sandra brown sounds interesting although I am like your self in the sense that I rather the authers were not so graffic in the sex scenes, not that I'm a prude but I have a good enough imagination without the most graffical stages of it being explained to me in such detail, I may give a couple of your others a go aswell. 'the uglys' sounds really good, will have to have a nosey about. thanks and I will keep track of ur listings as there are different genres of books rather than the usual suspects. ty an keep reading so I can get ideas :D

  3. I'm not sure if you all know, but if you love sophie kinsella she also writes under the alias madeleine wickham, and they are just as good as all her other books but they are all stand alone books. ps I loved 'remember me' 'theundimestic goddess' and 'twentys girl'. I also loved her last book of the shopaholic series 'mini shopaholic' fab. one of my all time favourate authers ( if you havent noticed lol)

  4. I started about 8 years ago I think, I was looking in the localcharity shop (I was only 13 and my pocket money wouldnt pay for my addiction to books) when I came across the sherlock holmes loved him, I went off crime storys for a while but a couple of weeks ago I was lent a book called the massiah, I carnt think of the auther of the top of my head but it was so gripping that I read it within the day, I have just read peter james - dead like you, fab. I'm now totally ADDICTED once again and with the choice and finally a bigger budget for books I'm certainly not stopping, so any suggestions on a decent read ill happily take :D:readingtwo:

  5. her books are well wrote if a little predictable, but to be fair if they werent they wouldnt end the way I would want them to, I mean could you imagine the girl not getting the guy in the end or visa versa I think not, unspeakable lol I think the whole point of chic-lit is to be a light hearted read to make you feel good. thats my opinion anyhow :D

  6. I'm usualy the first person I know to run out an grab her books of the shelf, and normally I think there worth every penny and more, this one however although I did finish it, I wasnt overly impressed, was ok but totally strange makes me wonder what she was eating at the time she came up with this plot :giggle2: . o well I still love her as an auther and will still collect her books for my enjoyment wether my fella likes it or not ( he thinks I own to many as they have taken over the back bedroom lol

  7. when I am feeling down I love to pick up the sophie kinsella books because they make me laugh, there well wrote, funny and a very easy light hearted read. I love the shopaholic series I own them all, I also confess to owning her stand alone novels which are 'remember me' and 'undimestic goddess' I'm have recently started to read the books she has wrote under the alias madeleine wickham,


    not everyones cup of tea, and I have to be in the mood myself as I have started to favour thrillers aswell as chic lit, but every now and again if your anything like me you want a book that is a breath of fresh air and these are certainly it :D

    just my opinion

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