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Max Martini

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Posts posted by Max Martini

  1. I've read The Road (before seeing the film) and thought it was terrific. He's got a very stark, bare bones kind of style which is challenging at first but, once you get into it, works really well. He doesn't even bother with much in the way of punctuation - I don't think he uses speech marks at all in the book. The film follows it pretty closely, so if you liked that I think you'd like the book, too.

    Ah, good to hear it Karsa! That sounds like something I can sink my teeth into.

  2. I saw The Road a few months ago and I really enjoyed it. Recently I found out that Cormac McCarthy, the author of the novella is was based off of of also wrote No Country for Old Men. I haven't read the book for that either but I enjoyed that movie even more than The Road. It seems he is 2 for 2 in terms of having two successful movies adapted from his books. Ok, the movie adaptation of The Road didn't exactly receive high praise but it still seems to have a loyal following.


    I'd like to hear from some people that have perhaps read Cormac McCarthy's books and your thoughts are on them and him as a writer.

  3. I have recently bought a copy of V for Vendetta by Alan Moore as I really enjoyed the film and was told the novel was better. I have read Watchmen by Moore and the story telling was amazing as was the artwork that accompanied it. If V for Vendetta is as good as people say it is I will get From Hell next as I loved the film (although that may be because Johnny Depp stared in it).



    I think you will love V for Vendetta, I know I did. I read both that and The Watchmen before I watched the movies and I thought the books were better (cliché I know).


    I tend to read a lot of books from DC's Vertigo line.

  4. I tend to stop at the end of a paragraph. The weird thing about me is that it has to be the end of a 'good' paragraph. Meaning one that is at least 4-5 sentences and one that ends the thought flow/process in a way. My mind decides that this is a good place to rest for a bit.


    Whenever I try to only stop at the end of a chapter it's always one of those chapters some big cliffhanger and it drives me to keep going to find out what will happen next with the other chapter.

  5. I have a 30GB iPod and it's great for audiobooks. You can create an account on Audible and just purchase the books you want. I think amazon sells audiobooks as well.


    A few months ago I got an e-reader which came with audio capability. So if you want to be able to switch between reading and listening that is one way to go.

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