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Posts posted by angelha

  1. :bookworm: Charm's Choices ~ 2011 :bookworm:


    Goodness me, it's that time already! Where did the year go?


    I've decided to get my finger out and start my reading list for 2011, in the hope that it will return my waning mojo ;) Last year I set myself a target to try and read 70 books by the end of the year, having managed to read 60 the year before. I did however, only manage to read 68 although I'm confident that if my mojo had have been here throughout the last two months of the year, I would have beaten my target. With that in mind, and the fact that my mojo has gone awol, I'm going to stick to the previous target and try to hit the 70 mark in 2011.


    If anyone wishes to comment about a book I've read, or they've read a book they think I might enjoy, please feel free chat away here! I'm always open to suggestions and love getting them, bookish or otherwise! :D


    Charm's Choices ~ 2009

    Charm's Choices ~ 2010


    Currently Reading

    :readingtwo: Undecided :readingtwo:

    That's quite list Charm. I've been a long time "lurker", but I've pledged to start getting more involved in 2011. Thanks for the list(s) and forgive me for borrowing it for myself! :)

  2. I've noticed lots of mainstream celebrities talking about spiritual and inspirational books.


    Do you guys think that 'The Secret', "The Alchemist' & "The celestine prophecy' have made a larger impact on society?


    I've read a lot that have personally inspired me, and I'm so glad to see how many millions are starting to use literature as a path to inspiration and spiritual development.


    The newest one I keep hearing about is called "The Yes After Yesterday : [link removed] " . Just saw the trailer and it looks like it's going to be the next big thing in this department.


    But, what are your thoughts on all the books mentioned above?


    Books such as The Alchemist, Conversations with God and yes, The Secret have all served to increase my curiousity of all things spiritual.


    I just searched the for the book you mentioned. It doesnt appear to be available yet, but the trailer is incredibly powerful and very moving. If the book captures even a quarter of that, it will be the next big thing.


    I also agree with Talisman about living it. Wisdom equals knowledge applied to action.


    Thanks for encouaging this dialogue. I'm reserving my copy now.

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