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Status Updates posted by bobblybear

  1. I need a haircut - I look scruffy!!

    1. poppyshake


      Can't you rock the tousled, pulled through a hedge backwards look?

    2. bobblybear


      Lol, I wish, but sadly no! I just look messy. :-o

    3. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      I wish I had hair!

  2. I really fancy some cream cheese, but we don't have any in the house.

    1. Chrissy


      Not even any tucked away at the back of the fridge? That's where I usually find ours. lol

    2. poppyshake


      I've got some .. any help?

    3. bobblybear


      Lol, ended up buying some today - full fat of course. The craving is gone, but it's bound to come back. It always does where cheese is concerned.

  3. I think I'm over tired!!

    1. chaliepud


      It's been a stressful few days for you.. Hopefully Reuben will be feeling much better soon and you'll be able to relax x

    2. bobblybear


      He seems to be on the mend, and I managed nearly a full nights sleep last night. Phew!

  4. I wasted a bit chunk of the afternoon sleeping. I hate that! :-(

    1. bobblybear
    2. Brian.


      I hate it when that happens, especially when it means that I wont be able to sleep that night.

  5. I WILL stick to my study schedule. I WILL!!!

    1. Ben


      Keep convincing yourself. :P I'm kidding.. good luck. :D

  6. I'm in a foul mood. Just having one of those days where traffic is too slow, people are too loud, two shops didn't have what I needed, and the chinese takeaway (which I was counting on to cheer me up) was closed!!! Grrrrr!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inver


      hate days like that...we had a frustrating day for our swim, too many people..how dare they

    3. bobblybear


      Thanks guys. I've perked up a bit now that I'm home and can put my feet up!! :-)

    4. vodkafan


      Pick out a good book booblybear and refuse to do anything until you have had a good hour of you time!

  7. It's not even 8.30pm and I'm ready for bed. Sad or what? :-P

  8. Just eaten a Kit Kat. I feel guilty now, but it sure was yummy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bobblybear


      Lol - I had to google that. Noooo!!

    3. poppyshake


      was it a normal one or a chunky?

    4. Chrissy


      I had a mint KitKat, and loved every morsel! : D

  9. Just running a nice hot bath!

  10. Monday's come around far too quick. :-(

    1. Nollaig


      Definitely agreed. Tuesday and I haven't even coped with Monday yet.

  11. Never enough sleep!!

  12. Nooo, I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I've had such a nice week off. :-(

  13. Oh, some chocolate has fallen into my mouth. Oh well, may as well eat it! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrissy


      What else is a girl to do?

    3. Eleonora


      I think I'll move to your city.. I like cities where chocolate jump into your mouth! :)


    4. julie


      I hate when that happens :)

  14. Oooh, it's a bit cold this morning. I may need to put a jumper on!!

    1. Eleonora


      And I'll envy you so so so much.

    2. Many8


      me, too. Here it's also so hot! I can't wait the beginning of the autumn

    3. Athena


      It's a bit cold here too, but after the heatwave of the days before the past few, I don't mind it too much. Hopefully it won't get too cold, though.

  15. Our boiler has broken...waiting for an engineer. HATE not showering in the morning.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chrissy


      I suggest a blanket, a book and a hot drink!

    3. bobblybear


      I did all three, Chrissy! :-D


      Problem all sorted now, apparently a fuse had blown.

    4. Chrissy


      That's good news. : )

  16. Phew, it's back!! :-)

  17. So that's it then...the holidays are over and it's back to work tomorrow. Boooooo hissss!!! :-(

    1. Athena


      Awww :( good luck tomorrow!

  18. Sorry - just noticed this! Hello back, Inver!

  19. Thank goodness for the weekend. It's been the longest short week ever!

    1. Chrissy


      I know what you mean.

  20. Thank goodness tomorrow is another day. Some weeks just need to be written off and forgotten.

    1. Chrissy


      Yep, some sure do. Have a great weekend.

  21. This weather is making me nervous. :-s

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrissy


      I am hoping that the met office are being 'cautious' in their reporting. Mother Nature has ays of making us all nervous doesn't she? X

    3. Michelle


      That doesn't look like a good place to be bobblybear. I hope you stay safe.

      Good luck with the conservatory Chrissy.

    4. Janet


      I'm concerned too. I'm hoping the Met are exaggerating. :/

  22. Time for bed for me! I know it's early, but I'm tired!

    1. Michelle


      I often head to bed around this time.. Usually with my audiobook though :)

  23. Time for bed, methinks! I'm very tired. G'night all!!

  24. Tired. I'm sure this grey, wet weather is making me feel very lazy and flat. Or it could be that I've over-eaten. :-P

    1. chaliepud


      I would imagine it's a combination of the two!

    2. bobblybear


      I think I'd have to agree with you there!

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