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Yellow Wallpaper

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Posts posted by Yellow Wallpaper

  1. I adore Dexter. It may be my favorite show on t.v. Season 4 was amazing with John Lithgow, and wow, the ending was shocking. This season has been a bit slow so far, but hopefully it picks up.

  2. I love how this show pushes the envelope on a lot of hot-button issues (religion, sexuality, etc.) The singing is good, but doesn't hold my attention sometimes. I like the story-lines though.

  3. Tara in the books is white.


    And Lafayette is barely in the books. I love his character in the show.


    Lafayette is my favorite character in the show as well. And Eric...whew. He's easy on the eyes :giggle2: I can't wait for the next season.

  4. 1) I have two texel guinea pigs who are the cutest things ever


    2) I am getting my M.L.S. (Masters in Library Science), with a concentration in archives and records management


    3) I have an Etsy.com addiction. There is so much cool stuff!


    4) I use Google Reader every day to follow my 35+ blogs/news pages.


    5) I am a very picky eater (not by choice). No matter how hard I try to like vegetables, the only ones I can tolerate are green beans and corn :(

  5. I enjoy Dawkins, but as far as atheistic books go, I don't think his is one of the strongest in the field. I think it receives so much attention because it is quite polemic. I would recommend it for anyone questioning religion, but I maybe wouldn't recommend it to be the first book that they read. I feel that he does rely heavily on Darwinism to refute theism, which is his specialty so I don't blame him. I really like his book The Greatest Show on Earth though. My favorite atheistic book is Why I Became an Atheist by John Loftus. Loftus is a former minister and a theologian. Because he has been on both sides of the fence, his arguments just seemed a bit more well-rounded to me because he knows how Christians think.

  6. I prefer non-fiction as I feel that it expands my intellect more than fiction. However, non-fiction is a much slower read for me as I have to process what I am reading and spend some time thinking about it. I usually mix in some fiction to lighten the load on my brain :P

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