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Posts posted by ilikebooks

  1. Somebody once told me that he could train himself to read a book or rather feel a book by simply flashing each page in front of him subliminaly almost. This is supposed to accelerate learning in this regard. As you become intuitive to the material.


    I considered that this might have meant that for some of us there is a homunculus capabale of processing text at an incredible rate but existing only in our unconcious mind. Aparently this theory does have credence and would explain our apetite for reading....


    A more traditional approach woud be to use simulated rain or the sound of a waterfall and maybe some bird's chirping in background. I live in a city so when this is possible is when I leave the water on or at about 4 or 5 in the morning - the best time.


    " I read best in a tent on a mountain undisturbed except by the howling wind, oh with my

    dog, prefer in a storm but not too much of one!"

  2. I just read this short story entitled Army Risen by Sam Shepherd. Its strange but in some sense's quite gripping.


    It talks about a future world shaped by technology In way's I wouldn't have imagined.


    Lots of techincal talk and a plot that follows a descriptive narrative close to that of a comic - so it's easy to follow. It's written in prose and has allusions to combining technology and magic, he has written a few but some remain off the net, there is a website at shepherdstudios.info another story based in London - apocolyptic happenings strange and yet somehow beckoning a lost genre or one yet to be discovered.


    I like it because the world's he creates although short lived really tell us something about the world today - how it could be put right but then also how it could be put wrong.


    A fascinating work.

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