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Posts posted by Shade

  1. Besides my maternal language, I speak English(obviously) and German(sort of paternal language). I've also studied Russian for 7 years, so I can understand everything I'm told, but haven't spoken it a while, so a conversation would be a bit difficult.

  2. I believe teenagers read a lot less than they should. Many of them read because school requires it and this kind of kills the thrill. Of course there are teenagers who enjoy reading(me!), however, they are considerably less. For example, in my class there are two readers besides myself which is a small number(we're 28).

  3. I couldn't find a topic about this book and I think there should be one.


    So, have you read it? What's your opinion about the world, the characters, the style of writing?


    That's one of the more stunning books I've read. I'm not sure what exactly makes it unique - the style, the whole atmosphere of the book, the unusual concept of magic or the absence of a "good" and a "bad" character. It has definitely been written with imagination that's quite rare these days. I would absolutely recommend it since there is a very slight chance that you won't enjoy it from the first to the last page.

  4. I've been waiting all day for my parents to leave the house so that I can read without being constantly interrupted and told to do this and that - these people just don't get it: Don't disturb me when I'm reading! Now that they're not here some friends decided to pay me a visit so I'll be reading The thorn birds by Colleen McCullough in the late evening... again.

  5. I buy the books I want to read. Only if I can't find what I need I buy second hand. I love the smell of the ink on the pages of a new book, there's something that fascinates me in it. I rarely borrow my books(they're mine!) and if so, only to reliable people. However, I have the feeling that soon I'll start buying second hand and visitng the library more often due to financial issues.

  6. Hi Shade, welcome to the Forum, if you like Gaiman have you tried any China Mieville books?


    Hi : ) I'm thinking of buying Perdido Street Station by Mieville and The Year of our War by Steph Swainston(although I'm not quite sure that I could find this one). But unfortunately I haven't read anything from New Weird(yeah, I know, shame on me).

  7. Inception. And I was stunned. OK, the movie has flaws, it's not perfect, but I don't really care. It has a brilliant concept. You have to be no less than genius to create something so complex without becoming chaotic, so thumbs up for Christopher Nolan.

  8. To lopeanha - I've read Stardust and in my opinion it's not so interesting as some of his other works. Still, it's good but The Sandman, American Gods, Fragile Things are far more enjoyable and brilliant than this one. For Coraline I can't say because I haven't been able to find it anywhere and read it but some friends have recommended it to me so I guess it's quite good.

    To bunnybooks - I agree, the feeling of being somehow involved in the world is a great motivator for reading : )

  9. Thanks guys : )

    To lopeanha - I used to read fantasy, you know Tolkien, Rowling, Martin, Lewis, Le Guin, the typical stuff. However, when it wasn't enough anymore, I started to read not-so-typical as Gaiman and Susanna Clarke. Now I'm more interested in classics from the last two centuries.

    To bunnybooks - "Lord of the Rings" by John R.R. Tolkien made me want to look into the world of books and I will always remember it as the beginning.

  10. Hello everyone : ) I guess I have to say something about myself. Well, I have only recently fallen in love with books and therefore the majority of the members here(if not all) have read so much more than me, but I hope we could find something to talk about.

    I can't think of anything else at the moment so if there's something you want to know, just ask : )

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