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Posts posted by my-sweetheart-is-drunk

  1. Lol the first crime novel I read has to be The Famous Five by Enid Blyton - does this count? Okay then it would have been The Thirty Nine Steps (sorry bad with names and can't remember the author!!!)


    Same for me, well Secret Seven, I also read a few Nancy Drew books as a kid. After that I mainly read school books to be honest so the next would probably be "An Inspector Calls" if that counts? Ian Rankin was the author who actually got me choosing to read crime novels, loved the Rebus books especially as they're set in a city I'm very familiar with.

  2. There are 2 conditions under which this is a possibility for me;


    1. I have no money, in which case I can't buy a book, I therefore never set foot in a book selling establishment unless I have money to buy with.


    2. The shop in question is Waterstones or any other large chain bookshop (not that many are left) with a billion books. In this situation I become so spoiled for choice as to what book(s) to buy that I don't know where to begin and my head starts to feel like implosion is imminent and I have to leave before I collapse to the floor in an indecisive puddle!

  3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - It's everything a book should be in my opinion, beautifully told and something that everyone should read not just once but many times.


    Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - As far as I'm concerned the best series of books ever, the continuity in the storytelling is immense and for me everytime I read them they become better.


    Ash Wednesday by Ethan Hawke - I just think this book is a beautiful love story that anyone can enjoy.


    Survivor by Chuck Palahnuik - Forget Fight Club for me this is his seminal work and if you only ever read one Palahnuik book (and IMO everyone should) it should be this. It makes me laugh, cry, cringe and grin from ear to ear.


    Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin - Possibly the greatest love story ever told.

  4. I haven't really experienced this as such. I mean I guess I enjoy Patricia Cornwell's books less than I used to and the storylines have become more predictable and far-fetched but I still read them and at the time I enjoy reading them but at the end I kind of think that's because I just enjoy the act of reading.


    Ooh actually, much to my shame, when I first read the Twilight books I liked them. So pretty much as soon as I was finished I went back for another read (which is what I usually do after finishing a series and it usually makes me like them more) and then hated them. On the second read all the characters seemed so shallow and one dimensional and the story was just ridiculous. My only excuse is that I must have been suffering from some kind of hormonal problem the first time I read them. :doh:

  5. I love films so I have a lot of favourites


    The Matrix

    The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert

    Silence of the Lambs



    Love Actually

    La Haine

    The Brotherhood of the Wolf


    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


    The Orphanage


    Edward Scissorhands

    Taxi Driver

    My Life Without Me

    Sunshine Cleaning

    Rear Window


    The Sandlot (Kids)

    A Few Good Men

    Twelve Monkeys


    Meet the Parents


    The Royal Tenenbaums

    The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    The Curious Case of Bejamin Button

    Sleaping Beauty

    Robin Hood (Disney)

    Lion King

    Playing by Heart

    It's A Wonderful Life

    Wizard of Oz

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Sympathy for Mr Veangence

    Save the Green Planet

    Jurassic Park

  6. I finally bought "I am Sasha Fierce" by Beyonce on CD which is freakin' awesome and the True Blood OST in a 2 for a tenner deal. The True Blood sountrack is fantastic and I don't usually like even countryish music.


    I downloaded "Puppy Toy" by Tricky from Nokia music last night as had been meaning to for ages.


    If I like an album, I buy the CD if I can get it. If it's just a couple of songs on an album I download them.

  7. Just thought I'd say hi as I'm a new member... so, yeah HI!


    I'm glad to be here and that I finally found a place to chat about books because I think my boyfriend (who has no interest in reading whatsoever) is getting bored of me babbling to him! I enjoy reading most stuff except chick lit but my fave genres are horror and mystery/thiller.



  8. I think mine are Martyrs and Inside. Both French horror films:mrgreen:


    My boyfriend was really freaked out by Martyrs and I've never really seen him like that at anything else. I didn't watch it as was a work but been meaning to.


    The horror films that have disturbed/shocked me the most would have to be Martyrs, Frontiers and Irreversible (which I had to fast forward at one scene in particular)


    I wouldn't really have called Irreversible a horror. It's one of my favourite films although I do realise it's not for everyone, I find it very moving and though provoking, I cried at several parts and I was afraid for certain characters but I can't say I was actually scared. Parts are very hard to watch but that's the point I guess. I liked the sequencing of the film backwards and how some parts were shot too.


    What part did you fast forward if I may ask?

    club and fire extinguisher or underpass? Or another?



    The scariest film I haveever seen is a Korean film called A Tale of Two Sisters, I didn't sleep for a while after that!


    I don't really find that many films scary to be honest, unnerving or gross maybe but not that much scares me... books scare me waaaaaay more!

  9. Lord of the Rings?!




    My entry on this list is the ultimate cinematic let down:


    Star Wars: The Phantom Menace


    I waited 16 years of my life for this film. 16 years!


    The trailer looked bloody awesome, and then look at what we got . . .


    I too love LOTR and almost cried after watching The Phantom Menace, I felt so let down that I haven't yet been able to bring myself to watch either Revenge of the Sith or Attack of the Clones!


    I'd argue Radcliffe is a better actor than Emma Watson, who can't act for toffee.


    I have to agree with this too, she's awful! Radcliffe seems to have grown with his character and become much more convincing where as Watson seems to have a perpetual look of someone who would rather be someone else and really can't be bothered, especially since the 4th film!


    I'll watch pretty much anything to be honest and most films I enjoy just because I love film but obviously I've come across many that are over rated.


    As has been mention the Spiderman films were terrible, Kirsten Dunst was only ever good in Interview with the Vampire and Toby Maguire cannot act 'conflicted' or angry or really at all except for in The Cider house Rules.


    Ooh another Dunst film - Marie Antoinette hyped because of Sophia Coppola and her success with Lost in Translation. It was dire, I can't get the time I wasted watching that film back, even Schwartzman was bad and I usually enjoy his performances.


    I thought Avatar was ok, I expected AWESOME but no cigar! Terminator 2 remains IMO Cameron's masterpiece!


    Cloverfield - :huh: Why was it made and as importantly how on earth did anyone like it!


    Sherlock Holmes was a waste of the £15.99 I paid for the blu ray, should've waited till it came on Sky Movies but "everyone" said it was great!


    Every Twilight saga film ever made and probably then next two as well. Far too much of the screen time was devoted to looking soppy and 'loved-up'. Kristen Stewart was only good in Panic Room and blinks all the time until Eclipse where she seems to have gone from blinking to nodding her head all the time like those dogs you put in cars! Robert Pattinson has the charisma of a dead fish. Taylor Lautner who probably gives the best performances of the 3 main characters is overshadowed by the fact he appears shirtless ALL THE TIME! For me the best characters in the movies so far have been Aro and Jasper and Alice is ok.


    Shakespeare in Love - Considering the hype and the awards it won and the films it beat to win those awards you'd think it would be good but it's not.


    Almost every Bond movie except Goldfinger which is hilarious!

  10. I've only read Coben out of those and to be honest only a couple of his but I loved them. He had me from the first few pages and I definately want to get his back catalogue.


    I have a Lee Child book but as yet haven't got round to reading it, I will do one of these days though. I've seen some of Baldacci's books about and been tempted by a few but in the end went with others.

  11. I've read all the Scarpetta novels and honestly I just thought they became ludicrous after a point!





    I never liked Benton in the first place and pretty much wanted him to stay dead and then she goes and throws in a (to me) completely obvious "JR in Dallas" storyline! Have you ever noticed that in books a loved one who dies during the course of a book is usually only dead if their death has actually been witnessed by a relevant character? Seeing just the badly burned or decomposed remains is a total give away for me.



    The latest one however wasn't too bad. As for the Win Garano series or what there has been of it so far, was anyone else left thinking: what was the point? You're introduced to new characters who you could probably form some kind of attachment to and then the book is over! The second (The Front) seemed to do exactly the same and proved itself rather pointless IMO. Maybe next time, if there is one, Cornwell will write a more extensive book in this series with an actual real case instead of whetting the appetite and leaving it usatisfied!

  12. Last film I saw at the cinema was a Greek film called "Dogtooth" it was odd and somewhat disturbing but quite enjoyable and amusing. It was about parents who have three adult children whom they have never allowed outside the grounds of their home, that's the basic plot anyway.


    Last film I watched at home was "My Sister's Keeper" which depressed the hell out of me and made me cry till my face ached but it an ok story and made me think a lot about 'designer' babies.


    Sleeping Beauty. Definitely one of my favourite movies, because of Maleficent and the three fairies :)


    I know I'm double posting and it's naughty but I just have to say - YAY for Maleficent! Best Disney baddie ever IMO also Sleeping Beauty is my fave Disney film of all time, as a kid I even fancied Prince Phillip! :blush:

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