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Posts posted by India

  1. Morganville vampires is quick a long series the books in this series are:

    - Glass Houses

    - The Dead Girls' Dance

    - Midnight Alley

    - Feast Of Fools

    - Lord Of Misrule

    - Carpe Corpus

    - Fade Out

    - Kiss Of Death

    - Ghoust Town


    I was in the airport getting some books and there was an offer on books and picked up glass houses. I really like the idea of a whole town run by vampires and the books are really good reads.


    Have you read the series or planning to read it?


    if you have read it what did you think of it?

  2. I bought the first one in the series in a charity shop for 50p. It is on my mount TBR Everest, but looking forward to reading it.


    I have the first one lurking somewhere around here too. I keep meaning to read it but something else always catches my eye :D



    I have to say the cover isn't the most interesting or eye catching in my opinion. I expected it to be a boring read but i really wanted to try it and I dont regret it personally!

  3. I do think the RRP for books is getting a bit high nowadays thats why i try to aviod going to the supermarket or bookstore for my books (unless they have an offer on) I just usually buy them all on amazon. Although Tesco had a BOGOF offer on where i bought 6 books haha

  4. Have you read the series? If not do you plan on?

    If you have read them what did you think about them?

    Books in the series:

    - Secret Lives

    - Blood Ties

    - Divided Souls

    I am just about to read the last book in the series and currently LOVE it! At first I really didnt like the the book because Poole writes in 3rd person which really annoyed me at first but when I got used to it I really enjoyed the series.

    I am looking forward to your replies :D


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