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Posts posted by SparksGirl

  1. 1) One Book that made you read it More Than Once: The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger



    2) One book you would want on a desert island: Dear John by Nicholas Sparks - for comfort, it's one of my favourites.



    3) One book that made you laugh: Yes Man by Danny Wallace



    4) One book that made you cry: Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott - Jo's poem gets me every time!



    5) One book that made you wish you had written: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - not the best book in the world but she's making millions from a not particularly orginal idea!



    6) One book that made you wish had never been written: Secret Life of a Slummy Mummy - no idea who it's by - I can't stand this type of rubbish!


    7) One book you are currently reading: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen



    8) One book you have been meaning to read: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - it's been on my TBR for months!



    9) One book that changed your life: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - my all-time favourite. I re-read it so much that I keep havng to buy new copies when the pages fall out!

  2. Hi everyone, this is my first post :) and as my username suggests I am a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks. I loved The Last Song, I woke my other half up sobbing in the middle of the night when I finished it! I was quite worried that the film would ruin it for me completely, but it was better than I'd expected - still take the book any day though!

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