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Status Updates posted by Pixie

  1. Don't worry. I'll let you know how things go with the "lunch date", as long as it's nothing too personal. ;) lol

  2. Eeeek! They're out to get me!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pixie


      I knew it! They're everywhere.

    3. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      They're quite nice when you get to know them. Sometimes they even loosen my restraints!

    4. Pixie


      Sure, one of "them" would say such a thing! ;)

  3. Finds life, the universe, and everything very confusing at the moment.

    1. Chrissy


      Don't worry about all of that; the universe sorts itself out. XXX

    2. ian


      This is normal.


  4. Going to the Steven Wilson concert today. WOOO HOOO! :-)))))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pickle


      Enjoy have fun and relax it will be brill

    3. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      Nice, have a great time Pixie!

    4. Pixie


      The concert was amazing! And you think Rush is better than this live, Karsa? I'm not so sure. ;-)

  5. Happy birthday! And many more. :)

  6. Happy Halloween everyone! The little ones scare me.

  7. Happy Halloween!

  8. Has lost my mind. If anyone finds it, keep a safe distance!

    1. AbielleRose


      Teehee, you make me giggle, Pixie :)

    2. Pixie


      Life is no fun if you don't keep a wacky perspective, Abby. :P

  9. Have a happy new year, everybody!

  10. Haven't been around lately, I know. So much stress going on I can't even get into it. Just wanted to say my thoughts are with those whose lives were effected by the earthquake in Japan. Terrible news. :(

  11. Headache, headache, go away, come again some NEVER day!

    1. poppyshake


      Hope it has gone now Pixie

    2. Pixie


      Thank you, poppy. It has. :)

  12. Hello and welcome to the forums. I hope you are enjoying it. :)

  13. Hi, Abby. How are you doing? I hope all is well with you.

  14. Hi, Abby. I'm not doing great. I think I made a big mistake leaving my job. :( I haven't been around because I have barely been reading.

  15. Hi, Bookjumper. I just wanted to say I look forward to your thoughts on Little, Big. I love that book. It is beautiful and sad. "The further in you go, the bigger it gets." If you don't post a review, please at least let me know what you think after you have read it. Please have a good day. :)

  16. Hi, how are you? I noticed you don't have any friends yet here, so I thought I would add you. I hope you enjoy the Robin Hobb books. I love the series! Have a good day. :)

  17. Hi, Karsa. :) I didn't think anyone would recognize the Deadwing cover. Porcupine Tree doesn't seem to be that well-known. Too bad, because they rock! You are a Rush fan, too, eh? You have great taste! ;) I am well, and hope you are well, too.

  18. How is everyone doing? I've been busy! :-)

    1. Sofia




    2. Pixie


      I'll post something on my facebook page for you later to cure your boredom. lol


  19. I am doing better than I was, so all is well. :)

  20. I am so exhausted by life, and I'm not even doing that much.

    1. Chrissy


      Rest easy. The sun will continue to rise and set. Draw on nature to ease your fret. Big Hug X

    2. Pixie


      Thank you, Chrissy. :)

      I like the fact that your response rhymed.

    3. Ooshie


      It's hard to feel like that, Pixie, I hope that life seems brighter for you soon.x

  21. I don't have the flu, but I sure feel like it. You ladies know what I am talking about. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AbielleRose


      Feel better soon, Pixie! xx

    3. Chrissy


      You are singing to the choir!

      Hugs X

    4. Pixie


      Thank you, ladies. I'm feeling much better today. :)

  22. I feel good, I knew that I would...UH! *dances dorkily*

    1. Inver


      That made me smile when I read that...lol

    2. Chrissy


      Me too! I also found myself singing the da-da-la-la bit. :D

    3. AbielleRose


      *dances dorkily along with Pixie*

  23. I got a gift card coming from amazon. :D

  24. I guess you are right. That is the trouble with social anxiety. I often fear I am being judged negatively, even when there is no evidence of such judgment. *sigh*

  25. I hate anxiety and I hate allergies. Just saying.

    1. Echo
    2. Nici


      Yup, me too.

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