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Posts posted by Me

  1. I used to read a lot of historical books when I was about 13/14. There was this Dutch writer; Simone v/d Vlucht who's written a lot of historical childrens/young adult books about Jean D'Arc and witches and stuff. I loved her books!

    But I guess I haven't read a lot of historical fiction lately.. it's a shame really, 'cause I really like 'em. Same with movies; historical movies are the best!

    Can anyone recommend a book about the plague?

  2. Has anyone read The Castle in the Forest by Norman Mailer? The title is really lame but the description sounds interesting.


    Who was Adolf Hitler? How do we explain his hatred? Where dit it come from? Could it happen again?

    Spanning three generations, and a hundred years of history. Mailer's compulsively readable novel brings to life the Hitler family - (grand)parents, siblings and young Adolf. Playful yet profound, this stirring blend of fact and fiction will cause readers to re-examine all their preconceived ideas about Hitler and his nature of evil.


    I'm very excited to start on this one, but I'm still reading Emma and my one book rule is to not start a book until I finished the one I'm reading.

  3. Hi Laura, What part of Holland are you from ? We lived in Amsterdam for quite a few years & my eldest two children were born there. Welcome to the forum :lol:


    Thank you!

    I live right under the border between Utrecht and Gelderland.


    How did you find living in Amterdam (or in the Netherlands in general)?

  4. Hello and welcome :lol: you have the same name as me :lol:


    Hi! Yeah, haha. I always accused my parents of being uncreative. In my third year of high school my class counted no less than 4 Laura's.

  5. :lol:

    Hi Laura, if you are anything like me you will discover so many new books you won't have time to read them all! :lol:


    I started a wish-list yesterday.. I've just written down book number 19. :D

  6. I re-read almost every book I own. I've got this one series: The Wicca Series by Cate Tiernan. I started collecting these when I was 13. But I read faster than I earned money, so I re-read them until I could buy the next one.

    I guess re-reading my books kind of stuck with me as a (bad) habit since then. It does save you a lot of money..

  7. Hi Kylie,


    Yup, I've been in Australia before visiting my aunt who lives there and I've always wanted to go back there some day. I've got one of those working holiday visa's so I can work/travel/live there. I'm really excited already! :lol:

    My mother is convinced I'll find myself a guy and never come back, but I don't quite see that happening yet. haha. We'll see what happens when I get there, right now, I'm up for anything!


    I see you're from Sydney! I plan on being there at New Years Eve. (if I can find a room that is. When I looked for one online last week everything was fully booked)



  8. Hi there! My name's Laura and I'm 18 years old. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but will leave for Brisbane, Australia in september.

    I started reading a lot when I got in high school, and I guess you could say I've become slightly addicted to books since then. Lately I haven't been reading as much.. I'm currently in the middle of my final exams and graduating is my main priority right now. But I'll have plenty of time after! (assuming I WILL graduate) Especially since I won't be going to university for another year. :lol:


    Hope this forum will help me discover some amazing books! :lol:


    See ya!


  9. I have this leather kangaroo thingie that my aunt from Australia sent me. This bookmark saved lots of my books actually. I can't seem to keep my hands still while reading and scraped off the filmy layer of plastic of many paperbacks.

    So I guess it's obvious the kangaroo did not survive..

  10. I am reading Emma by Jane Austen right now. I'm not reading as fast as I hoped though. English is not my first language and I'm just getting used to the old English writing style.


    I'm also in the middle of my final exams right now (just 4 more!). Reading other books than my schoolbooks makes me feel guilty now, 'cause I ought to study to graduate.. :lol:


    I had less trouble reading Pride and Prejudice, I find the storyline of P&P much clearer. The beginning of Emma was rather confusing to me.



    p.s. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I make, I know my English is far from perfect.

  11. The books I had to read for my file in highschool felt like a chore.. But then again, I just really detest Dutch literature. About half of the books I was allowed to read for my file were about WWII. Not really a favourite subject of mine.

    We had to read a total of 12 books and I think I only enjoyed 1 or 2 of them (one of them is one of my favourite books right now, so I guess it wasn't all a waste of time). I don't like HAVING to read a book, so maybe it's just all in my head..

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