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Posts posted by kennycapes

  1. Thanks for having a look Univerze. Some how the book has been linked to that synopsis but it isn't. Below is the real synopsis for that book (well i think it is).


    The worst day of Tim Blake's life started out with him making breakfast for his seventeen-year-old daughter Sydney. Syd was staying with him while she worked a summer job - even if he wasn't entirely sure what her job at the Just Inn Time motel actually was - and Tim hoped this quality father-daughter time would somehow help her deal with his divorce.

    When she didn't arrive home at her usual time, he thought she'd probably gone to the mall to hang with her friends. When she didn't answer her phone he began to worry. When she didn't come home at all, he began to panic. And when the people at the Just Inn Time said they had no Sydney Blake working at the motel and never had, he began to see his life going into freefall.

    If she hadn't been working at the Just Inn Time every day, what had she been doing? Something she couldn't - or wouldn't - tell her own father about? Only one thing has him convinced the worst hasn't already happened: the fact that some very scary people seem just as eager as he is to find her. The question is: who's going to find her first?

  2. Hi everyone, this is my first post here so good morning to you all. A few weeks back i was about to set off on a long car journey (driving) so i downloaded a new audio book for the car, it was called "Fear the worst" by Linwood Barclay. I read the Synopsis on the web and it sounded a cracker. When i listened to it i realised it was not the synopsis on the web. I'm now trying to find this book so i can get a bit of bed time reading. See if you recogise it, i have search and written to the publishers but no luck. Many thanks.



    One chilly morning, a man throws himself off a Great Lakes ferry. An apparent suicide, the body is never found.

    Five years later, we learn that the man had faked his own death. An accountant who had become unwittingly mixed up in a criminal conspiracy, he was being threatened by a ruthless mobster: tell us where the money is or we'll kill your wife and eight-year-old daughter.

    If he'd been able to hand over the money, he would have done it in a heartbeat. But he couldn't, and so the only way to put his family beyond reach of harm seemed to be to make himself dead.

    He has a different life now, and a different identity, and he never allows himself to think about his family. The fact that they are safe is all that matters.

    Until one day he sees an article in USA Today about a thirteen-year-old girl who's won a national spelling bee. There's a picture. It's his daughter. And in the background there's his wife, holding hands with a man. Of course, he should have expected it.

    What he didn't expect was that he recognized the man, and the last time he spoke to him he was threatening to kill his wife and daughter. He puts the paper down, and knows this changes everything. Now he's going to have to go back, and save his family one more time.


    Thanks again



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