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Posts posted by acliffe85

  1. My husband has the Kindle and he loves it. I am amazed by the screen.

    He has the 3G version I like the fact that if theres a world he don't understand there is a dictionary that he can check the one then oh whats that building lets go to the web browser and look it up on wikipedia

    its very good I would recommend it to any one.


    uncle has a sony and he is trading his in for a kindle


    1. Age 25-34


    2. Gender Female


    3. What do you read on a daily basis? books, journals


    4. How often do you read for fun in a week? 3 a week should do more


    5. What time of day do you like to read? 9-10


    6. Where do you read? in bed


    7. How many books have you read in the last 6 months? 2


    8. What type/genre do you enjoy reading most? true to life


    9. Why do you read? relaxation


    10. What barriers prevent you from reading more? time


    11. Do you think reading for fun is important? yes


    12. Do you fold page corners or use a bookmark? bookmark


    13. Do you prefer to read to music or in silence? silence


    14. Do you discuss books with your friends? ummm no


    15. Do you borrow books from the library? no


    16. Do you borrow/loan books from/to friends? some times

    Thank you very much!

  3. Went into the local second hand book store with my husband today.

    He was after a book, so I thought I'd go and have a look to.

    In the corner of my eye a book court my attention....

    Midwives By Chris Bohjalian

    I picked it up to have a look....I was hocked....before I know it I had read the 1st 14 pages....lol


    Its a really good read I would recommend it....



    Its about sibyl who is a midwife. she desperate measures to save a baby's life. she performs an emergency caesareans section on a month she believes has died of stroke. but what if sibyl patient wasn't dead- and sibyl inadvertently killed her.

  4. Another trip to the second hand book store today.....I could spend all day it there.....


    is it just me or do you get more enjoyment out of a second hand book store than something like borders, waterstone chapters? is it just me? the smell of the old books,the creases.


    so the new addition to my book collection is


    # Meg Rosoff...How I Live Now

    # Jane Green...The Other women

    # Laura Kasischke...Be Mine


    Have spend all day reading Save Karyn....yes I have been reading it for about 3 months lol...but I can now say I am nearly finished only about 100 pages to go opp....then what to read next might give Adele Parks ago or Jane Green.

  5. So its been a while since I last come on the the forum.....and oh has so much has changed.


    So Hello again to everyone.


    So since I have been gone I can't say I have done much reading. Lack of time has to be the reason...that and a promotion at work.


    I will endeavour to start reading again.

  6. I cant say i have hated reading but more frustration that i couldn't read. I was 11 years old when i really started to get into reading but found that i was behind everyone else of my age. I was very frustrated i wanted to read so i suck with it and i still get frustrated now (aged 25) and again that i do take a long time to read a book. So what i would say no matter how frustrating it is dont give up keep with it!

  7. Thank You for the welcomes.


    Yes i see that she has written an other book "Confessions of a shopacholic mini shopaholic.


    I have not read any of her other books but i will keep an eye out.


    I have just brought today Madeleine Wickham The Tennis Party this is Sophies really name and she secretly introduced Sophie with out her publisher knowing and came clean in her book can you keep a secret, which i have yet to read.


    I am loving the website and I am enjoying reading and cant wait to build a collection on read books up as my read and brought are million miles apart at the moment

  8. Hello I'd like to say HELLOO! to all those people out there. As you can see I am new to this site and loving it so far.


    Just like to say a little bit about my love of books and reading....


    I love reading and i have loads of books but unlike most people on this site it does take me a long time to read a book so this year i have prob read ummm 2 books. I do not have a very good reading abblity but i love reading i just have to take my time....some times i may read a page 2 or 3 times before i have understood what i have read.


    BUT hay no matter how frustrating it may be i still LOVE READING!!!


    is there anyone else her that has problems reading like me!


    I am currently reading Confessions of a shopaholic abroad and loving this series!!!

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