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Posts posted by KarenMac

  1. Books in second-hand shops are supposed to look all used! I like knowing a book has a bit of history.......I like the pencilled price because it gives it that proper independent bookshop feel - stickers are so chain store! :D


    I totally agree with you Nienna! I like to see a pencilled price or name of a previous reader. It shows the book has been read and hopefully enjoyed before.


    I also like study books where the previous reader has underlined a phrase or quote (in pencil of course!). It all adds to the character of the book.

  2. I also loved 'Death of a Salesman', however, it has been some time since I read it. I have also read, and really enjoyed 'All My Sons' and 'A View from the Bridge'.


    In each case the story is so simply told, but so much is going on under the surface of each character. This thread has just reminded me how much I enjoyed Millers plays. It's time I read some more of them!

  3. I have just finished Wolf Hall, and I loved it! I hope there is a follow up soon as it is one of my best reads this year! On finishing the book, I just wanted to know what happened to Thomas Cromwell next!


    However I have to agree with the use of 'He' as detailed in Readwine's review.

    I noticed it early on, and decided if I just stick to the rule 'the 'He' in question is always Thomas Cromwell' I was able to filter it out, and enjoy the novel. I then noticed that later in the book Mantel started to say 'He, Cromwell,...' instead.



    However this did not spoil my enjoyment of the book, and I also think 6/10 is way too low!


    So I'm giving Wolf Hall 9/10!

  4. No Unfortunatley Scotland did not qualify for the world cup! Again!


    However Walkers have given us a crisp flavour to keep all us scots happy.


    I have only tried the Brazilian Salsa ones so far and thought they were OK. So I think I better try some more! :D

  5. I have just ordered this book from Amazon. I recently heard an interview with the most recent publisher on Radio Scotland's 'Book Cafe' show. He initially missed out on publishing this book the first time round, but said it was a book that has stayed with him for years, and he jumped at the chance to re-publish it now.

    I was so impressed with his enthusiasm that I ordered the book straight away. Having read your review, I am looking forward to Tony and Susan even more. Thanks for the review.

  6. 1. Who was your favourite character and why?


    Ram has to be my favourite character. He has had a very tough life, but has not lost his sense of what is fair or good or his sympathy for others. He still does the right thing, even when revenge is an option.


    2. Was there a particular part you enjoyed/disliked more than the rest?


    There are some lovely stories within the book. Some are beautiful like the Taj Mahal. Others are upsetting or depressing. Each chapter or Ram

  7. I have only read The Little Stranger and I enjoyed it very much. There is a suggestion of menace rather than anything really scarey in the book. And the story gives you a lot to think about as it covers issues such as class and social changes in britain after the war. The ending is also left open to interpretation.


    I look forward to reading more by Sarah Waters.

  8. Is noise allowed? The TV or the children?

    I prefer it quite, but some noise is fine. I can read in the living room while the kids watch TV.


    Indoors or out?

    The weather here can make outdoors reading difficult, so I normally read indoors. But on the odd occasion when we have a sunny day, reading outdoors can be lovely.


    Morning or Evening?

    Usually in the evening, and in bed at night. Also in the morning at the kitchen table. Really any time!


    Is a cuppa close to hand? Do you feast while you read?

    Mostly with a cup of tea. Not normally with food. And sometimes with a glass of wine!


    Does everything have to be just so?

    Not at all! I take whatever free time I can get.

  9. Hi Liz

    I had a look at your reading list for 2010, and see you read Push by Sapphire. What did you think of it?

    I read it a few months ago, and loved it! However I found the subject matter so upsetting that I frequently had to put it down to recover and have a cry!

    The film was released here recently, but I was not able to catch it. I would be interested to see how it would translate to the screen.


    Now that April has passed, how did you get on with Losing Weight and being happier in 10 days? :D

  10. I am also about a book a week on average - however it can be 2 in a week or with some it can take me up to 2-3 weeks. I guess it just depends on the book, and whatever else is going on.

    I do read a lot more now that I did say 10 years ago, when it would have been only 1 book every couple of months!

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