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Posts posted by Lexie

  1. Just finished Dracula, by Bram Stoker. It was probably the wrong time to read it, but I don't really like to give up on books so... anyway, what's done is done so moving on to the next book... I have a big TBR pile this year! :rolleyes:



    Hope you are enjoying it Talisman. I read it awhile ago, I have to admit I found it a bit hard to read but I was in the library the other day and seen more books by Haruki Murakami and think I will read some more by this author.


    I felt the same when started to read Haruki Murakami's books. But even if it is hard to read, I would definitely recommend this author. I was well-impressed with Kafka on the Shore... :)

  2. Non, that does not sound silly to me. Just as the time must be right to meet certain people in order to appreciate them, so too, books become friends or even enemies depending on the frame of mind we are in oui, and the circumstances. I like your opinion.



    :blush: thanks Genevieve

  3. It's hard to say, but in the portuguese/brazilian literature I like Eça de Queirós and Guimarães Rosa. In the german literature I go for Kafka; Spanish, Miguel de Cervantes. British, Agatha Christie(my english knowledge haven't yet allowed me to enjoy neither Shakespeare nor Thomas More, since I don't want to read translation editions of these authors in particular). American literature I enjoy Stephen King and Tess Gerritsen, I think they are good but not that great.


    I do want to read Dostoyevsky, but I need to fit it in since I'm too busy at the moment. Unfortunately I could be called Illiterate in the french literaturem, but I swear I'll turn it out.


    I like most of the writers you mentioned! My favourite is Eça... well, I am portuguese and that may explain a lot! :) Wellcome. I'm sure you will enjoy this forum!

  4. I would love to say that I love the classics just like that but I'm afraid I wouldn't be totally honest. I do love some classics but, for some reason, it seems that for some others it's still not the right time for me to read them. Yes, even though I'm in my thirties (unbelievable... still feel like a teen! :D ) I think that somehow books choose us and when the moment is right we end up reading the right book... sounds really silly, I know... :blush:

  5. Hello and welcome! This is a great place and I'm sure you will enjoy a lot around here.


    Don't worry to much about the reading mojo. Or just remember Daniel Pennac and our 10 inalienable rights:


    1.The right to not read,


    2.The right to skip pages,


    3.The right to not finish a book,


    4.The right to reread,


    5.The right to read anything,


    6.The right to "Bovary-ism," a textually-transmitted disease,


    7.The right to read anywhere,


    8.The right to sample and steal ("grappiller")


    9.The right to read out-loud, and,


    10.The right to be silent.




  6. New Year's Resolution: getting in shape. Like many, I'm not the gym type... so from now on I'll be one of those who go for walks every single day. Of course I know I will need to increase the miles walked week by week and maybe, at some point, I will start running... I have a lot weight to lose but... let's hope...


    Good luck for us all! :)

  7. Yesterday I finished The White Queen by Philippa Gregory. In the beggining I was really excited with the book and I couldn't stop reading it but then... at some point it started to drag.. To be honest I don't know what to think. I do not regret reading it but I am not sure if I'm going to read the next one as soon as it comes out...


    Today I'm reading The short second life of bree tanner by Stephenie Meyer. So far a page turner. With footbal on I'm sure I'll finish it in a couple of hours.

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