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Posts posted by Brida

  1. The past 4 weeks have been sunny and very warm, but today it's snowing. First snow this year :D YAY cos i feel the kiddy happiness of first snow, but nay cos I'm supposed to be a grown up now and get stuff done in the snow (and rain). But it's the weekend so I'm still in yay mood :)

  2. ^^This sounds like an interesting read, I'll put it down on my TBR list. And it's a collection of essays so one can read them separately i.e. if I forget to read it for a couple of days (weeks) I can just continue without much trouble :D how many essays btw?


    Great review, very insighful yet not too long :)

  3. Congratz on finishing a book in a day Shelfy, must admit I'm a bit jealous :)


    Thank you Athena and Sabry, I studied Medicine and am now an intern. Good luck on your English exam Sabry, I hope the nervousness decreases and you're able to sleep better! :)


    As for the subject of pets, it really is terrible when they're not feeling well. My dog has allergies (yes, plural, as if one wouldn't have been bad enough) and is sick year-round, so we visit the vet pretty much every month :mellow: 

  4. Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good day. Finally got back on the forum to see what's up and catch up on some reading. Had a busy couple of months, I graduated and started working so I had to deal with paperwork and didn't read much, but I think my reading mojo might be back now so I'm taking advantage of that.

    Sending positive vibes to anyone in need of them *~~~~~~~*

  5.  I found his last book Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki disappointing. It seemed like a poor imitation of Murakami, some of the translation was sloppy and his metaphors and descriptions very cliche and weak. There certainly is a lot of repeated elements in his books (cats, jazz, weird sexual encounters, lonely disconnected men) that sometimes he seems like a one trick pony but his trick is very, very good when he gets it right.



    Gotta agree with this, he writes about pretty much the same things over and over again, but then again most authors do. It's like you're watching a series, there's new seasons but the characters the same and it's one story being dragged out told :D but I think that's what we all like about him (and other authors), the familiarity. That said, I found Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki... enjoyable and khmm familiar. Easy to read, engaging and made me think about my relationships with other people, be it friendship or of the romantic kind.

  6. I've only read Old Man and the Sea back in school, and I enjoyed it. Hemingway seems like an intriguing character, not to mention he was a cat lover :D so I've been meaning to start reading his stuff. I have A Farewell to Arms on my TBR list... Hopefully I'll get to it some time soon.

  7. Yup, dodget a bullet for sure. Sometimes when a person doesn't feel whatever they're expecting ('a spark') towards you, even if you end up together and they end up liking you/loving you they'll never love you and respect you the right way and for the right reasons, and in my opinion it's better to not even get involved in that. But like i said, this is only true sometimes, don't want to generalize unfairly...


    Anyway, good luck to everyone with their dating life :D

  8. Haha ewww a nice yeast infection one is fond of? I don't think that exists tbh :D but I do support what you said about other ways of meeting people, online is easier and you're in your comfort zone but then you never know who you're really talking to and how honest they are...also it's much easier to idealize people since there's so much you don't know you might be tempted to just fill in the gaps with whatever you'd like to be true lol. Hence why sometimes you might not find what you're looking for. On the bright side, at least you had a date and it wasn't terrible :D congratz on the flat and graduation btw!

  9. Thank you Anna and frankie!

    And welcome to you too Anna, glad you're finding it useful, I seem to find the neccessary motivation for reading here and also great advice :)

  10. Well it's been a while since this thread was active, hopefully this time I'll give the challenge a go (with more success)!


    To update my oh so very sad list, so far I've read:


    1983 Life and Times of Michael K

    1992 The English Patient

    1998 Amsterdam

    2002 Life of Pi

    2007 The Gathering


    My next read from the list might be The Inheritance of Loss. As for the challenge I'm only including the winners and then who knows, if I ever finish it maybe move on to the shortlisted ones :D

  11. The last thing I watched were the endings to The Visit, Some Kind of Beautiful, the new Mission Impossible movie, Straight Outta Compton, Mune and probably everything else thats currently playing (I work at a movie theater) which is basically the equivalent of reading the ending to a book before even starting it lol....but the last full movies I watched were The Road Within which was good and This Is Where I Leave You. Both are ok movies, nothing too deep but good for relaxing the mind.

  12. Hello everyone, I'm a new/old member lol who's been away for a long time. Trying to start reading (more) again so I thought I'd come here for info and motivation.


    Hope everyone is well, see you around the forum :)

  13. So far I've read Choke, Lullaby and Fight Club (in that order).

    Choke is the one I liked most, but it's also the first one I read. I think the problem is that FC and Choke have some similarities so FC reminded me of Choke and maybe seemed like a copy (even though that doesn't make sense because FC was written first) of the latter. Also, the main character in Choke is a (failed) med student, so I guess it played a role too :D


    For some reason I'm amused with his characters who are depicted through their flaws, which I liked, I guess, because I tend to focus on my bad sides instead of the good, so I related :D They seem very human, too human. Like bitter, disapointed, self loathing humans. And yet, there's some humour involved as well :D

    And his style is very sharp and simple, but most of all, direct which I like. I know that most people complain about his style (my friends did at least) but for me it's one of the main reasons I like his books. Well, at least these 3.


    All in all, it seems to me like with each book my interest and amusement with Palahniuk is decreasing, but I feel it's because of the similarities (writing style, characters - it seemed like I was reading about the same person in different episodes, you know?) and getting used to the style, or pattern.

  14. Hello everyone, long time no see (type?) :)

    I haven't posted in a while but I did pop by occasionally to see what's up and to get ideas on what to read.


    Tons of work for uni and I haven't done much as I am very...I don't know, in that place where you just can't seem to get yourself to do anything. Not even have fun.That's why I haven't been on here as well. But it's gotta stop sometime, right? I just need the ol' kick in the rear :D


    I hope everyone who is ill is getting better and hope you all had fun over the holidays! :) See you around.

  15. I haven't read the book, but I was privileged to work with Yann Martel a couple of months ago and found him to be a really great guy. :)


    The coolness of this statemenent is overwhelming :D


    I was thinking of re-reading it sometime soon, cos it's a comforting read for me.

    Though I do often re-read certain parts when I need some positive energy :)

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