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Posts posted by yellowstonegirl

  1. I really liked the first Shopaholic book (and the others as well). I hated the movie! Should have made it British like the book (and I'm an American saying this). Completely tore apart the novel. Thank God we can continue to re-read the books and her new novels.

  2. I really enjoy James Patterson. I think he writes all his novels, and when he isn't the sole author he always credits the co-author, which I like. I mainly read Alex Cross book, although I know a lot of people enjoy Maximum Ride.


    As for the short chapters. As a thriller writer myself, I'd rather have shorter chapters because it can help the pace move more quickly and doesn't confuse readers as much if you break up different scenes. On the otherhand having short chapters just to make them short doesn't make sense either. I think Patterson does a good job of pacing his novels.

  3. Love this book! Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind is one of the best I've ever read. I'm from the south and think it is the most realistic southern fiction I've read regarding the Civil War. It's kind of cool as well because I am related to the Charleston Rhett's that Rhett Butler was named after. I might have to pick it up and re-read it. It's one book that's worth the 1,000 plus page read through!


    I loved this book. Read it about 4 years ago and probably should buy it incase I feel a re-read coming on.


    I bought the film but am reluctant to watch it just yet!


    The film is AMAZING too! This is one time where the movie and book are both fantastic and true classics. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable nail their parts!

  4. Angels and Demons was a terrible film, but almost infinitely better than the book...


    And on a slightly different level, I actually much preferred the film of No Country For Old Men. But I think that might be because I saw the film first and it was in many ways such a literal translation from the book, the book just read like a screenplay, but without some of the humour.


    I really like the Da Vinci code book and the film for that matter, however I agree that Angels and Demons the film was better than the book.

  5. I heard Apple is releasing iPad ( I think the original iTablet was a bit of a better name). However it will be interesting to see how Apple's device compares with Sony and Kindle. I think it would help if all the devices made novels downloaded from various sites (ie Itunes, Amazon, etc...) would help them all sell better and make these devices mainstream, especially since unlike the IPod, Apple is coming into the ebook medium a little late, and can't make decisions, which will totally affect the buying market...

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