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Posts posted by Ladyinthetower

  1. I persevered with this, but IMHO, this wasn't my favourite PG. Mary Queen of Scots, while at time had spirit, I also found her quite boring. Whilst the setting and circumstances for the book should be exciting, I didn't feel excited by it. Lack of pace? Perhaps. Or maybe MQoS's one dimensional character. I don't know, but it left no lasting imprint on me.


  2. I read The Dark Materials Trilogy last summer and my head was filled with it. An extremely compelling read and I would recommend to anyone. How wonderful to trip from one world to the next. In terms of the anti-religion theme, I quite enjoyed exploring that side of things and certainly provided food for thought. Most eye opening.


  3. My first SK was The Tommyknocker and I felt it was OK, enough for me to continue reading him. I enjoyed Cujo and I loved Misery but my all time favourite has to be The Stand.


    I don't know about anybody else, but although King writes compelling novels, it's the details that stick out for me. In each book, I have vivid memories of fairly minor details in each novel, mainly they are disgusting, which is probably why I remember them, but I think it's these smaller facets that give King their unique flavour.



  4. One of my fave Elton books... I have always loved the WWI era and like got my GCSE in History watching Blackadder Gors Forth.


    The First Casualty is very compelling, has a good pace and reads very evry well. Like others I wasn't overly struck on the ending and I think Elton may have lost his way when trying to find a satisfactory conclusion for his hero. However, it doesn't detract from the sheer power of the book, the descriptive passages about life in the trenches, poor boys, wonded and shell shocked in hospital. Let's face it, it was a grim and horrific time and Elton captures it wonderfully.



  5. Alison Weir's non-fiction books are very readable - I've found them the most enjoyable of all 'text book' type history books.


    I would have to agre with this. i have recently finished Lady In the Tower - The Fall of Anne Boleyn and found it most compelling. In fact, I am thinking of re-reading it!



  6. Same here! I've since bought books about Henry VIIIs wives, other Kings and Queens of England and the Elizabethan House of Commons. It's all so interesting :D


    I'm thinking of starting the Virgin's Lover soon :(


    The Virgin's Lover is absolutely superb...you'll love it.


    The wonderful thing about historical fiction is that you easily and comfortably get a feel for the period. It's this feeling that initially drew me in, after that I became obsessed with the actual period and had to look at books which are historical fact. I am now officially an addict. I like to read the fiction and watch the DVDs and then compare them with what is perceived to actually happen. Fascinating.

  7. PG's TOBG was given to me by my dad who found it discarded after a car boot sale. Once read, never forgotten! I was obscenely hooked and have now believe I have read all of PG's Tudor novels. Of course, this has now developed into a love of the tudor period, the lifestyle, social and political history of the time. I see no sign of this love waning, because there is so much out there to be read!


    Hooray for Gregory!

  8. Definitely one I fancy... I have a great interest in the Tudor period and read a mix of historical fiction and fact...it's interesting to compare how various authors interpret primary and secondary sources.


    It was on my list and because of this review it has reached the top!



  9. Wow, what a site! I was so glad when I found this site I signed up immediately, and typically of me, I am avoiding the main reason why I am here, and that's to introduce myself!


    Where to start...


    Well, clearly I love to read, and reading has been my passion since I learned 'Spot Can Run.' and boy, could he! In the past, my tastes have been fairly diverse, reading anything and everything and ploughing through, even if the book shows signs of being absolute drivel. These days I'm more selective.


    I often have a few books on the go, one in the bedroom, sitting room, car and in my bag. That way I never get bored! I don't often have a lot of time, so if I find myself with a few minutes, I get stuck into one of my books.


    Anyway, I think that's enough about me. Thanks for reading!





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