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Posts posted by Bettyboop33

  1. I really want a kindle, I've been doing my research and theyre better than Ipads because they don't get a glare if your a fan of reading on the beach :D when I went on holiday last year books took up most of my hand luggage, I don't want one for christmas I'm going to wait until my birthday to ask for one, but I will never fully give up my actual books. :blush:

  2. Well I was the victim of a mishap, I lent my twilight book to my sister in law and I was talking baout possibly getting it back from her when she admitted my nephew had gotten at the book, I was pleased to find out she had bought me a new copy and wasnt annoyed at all because it was the movie cover version and I wanted the original cover to complete the set. :D

  3. I never really liked Jacqueline Wilson books until I was given Kiss for my birthday I really liked this book it was among one of the first books I ever read and one of my friends actually found the book helpful, its not one of her most famous but if you havnt read it I think you should check it out. :D

  4. I Really disliked the harry potter books. Alot of people recomended them to me so I went out and got the series and began reading and when I got to goblet of fire I simply gave up, I didnt enjoy the way they where written, I can't explain why. I know I am one of a VERY small group of people who don't enjoy Jk rowlings novels but I still want to read them all, I usually only read them if I have run out of money and read all the books I had previously bought. :blush:

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