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Posts posted by dolphingirl

  1. I would give him another chance because The Third Secret was the worst book I have ever tried reading and it's not a good representation of him as a writer. I have read all of his other books and enjoyed each one. I just finished The Paris Vendetta and it was another can't put it down because it's so good books. I would pay attention though because some of them are part of a series and that does make a difference because it helps if you read them in order. :D

  2. I have to say that I'm tired so I haven't read every single post here yet, but wanted to comment anyways. I don't know if you would consider the following a historical fiction writer, but I do. It's Steve Berry. I love reading his books because he brings history alive and it keeps you on the edge of your seat because of all the action taking place.


    His books start out in modern day dealing with the mysteries left over from history. You learn about history through the search for answers the characters are looking for. The other cool thing about his books is at the end he tells you what he made up and what was part of the real history.


    I really only hated one of his books (The Third Secret) and have loved the rest. He has picked some really good topics to cover in his books. Here are some of his books if your interested:

    The Amber Room (2003) (About the Amber Room stolen during World War II)

    The Romanov Prophecy (2004) (About what happened to the Romanov's and if anyone really did survive)

    The Third Secret (2005) (About the Third Secret that the Pope has kept secret)



    Series:Cotton Malone

    1. The Templar Legacy (2006) (About the Knights Templar)

    2. The Alexandria Link (2007) (About the missing Alexandria Library)

    3. The Venetian Betrayal (2007) (About Alexander The Great)

    4. The Charlemagne Pursuit (2008) (About Charlemagne--and World War II)

    5. The Paris Vendetta (2009) (About Napoleon--and about treasure stolen by Germans during World War II)




  3. I would! I LOVE him just as much as Val McDermid. He does a lot of twist and turns like she does so it's fun. Plus his books are all based on things that have happened throughout history and he tells you exactly what he makes up and what he doesn't! The only book of his that I couldn't read was The Third Secret. I just couldn't get into it at all!

  4. I suggest reading Steve Berry books if you like suspense and history. He takes a certain time period or person and writes a on the edge of your seat book. At the end of his book he will then write what is real and what he made up. It's really interesting because you learn some things about history in a fun way!


    I think you would also really like Daniel Silva's Gaberial Allon series, Kathy Reichs series Temperance Brennan, Beverly Connor has a series and I can't remember the character's name but the first book is One Grave Too Many, and finally anything from Val McDermid! Hope this helps!! :friends0:

  5. I really enjoyed all the Kathy Reich books. I have also read most of the Kay Scarpetta books but as they go on they don't hold up anymore in my opinion. If he likes suspense and the feeling like you can't put it down because you just have to know what is going to happen next I would suggest reading Steve Berry (most of his are stand alones, although he is now writing a series staring Cotton Malone however you don't really need to read them from the beginning...although it does add to the texture of the series. I take that back I think that as the series with Cotton goes on it's more important to read them in order), Daniel Silva's series staring Gabriel Allon which is a must read in order series, and finally Val McDermid and really anything by her is really good. I would read the Tony Hill series in order though. I love all of them! :friends0:

    Hope this helps!

  6. I love her books. I have read them all and in order and haven't been disappointed. I like reading a series after several books are out there though that way if it has a cliff hanger ending I don't have to wait long to read what happens next. :friends0:


    I must say though that the show Bones is good. However that being said, I look at it as not having anything to do with the characters from this book. If I did look at them that way then I wouldn't like it as much. I watched it before knowing what it was based on and found that if I keep it separate in my mind I enjoy it more.

  7. I am a huge Steve Berry fan. :mrgreen:I have read all of his books except The Third Secret....I just couldn't get into that one.:D Anyways I'm reading The Paris Vendetta right now and am thinking that I recognize some of the characters being talked about from his earlier books, but can't place what books they might be in. I tried looking inside the books on Amazon to no avail. So I'm hoping that some of his other fans out there can tell me if I'm imagining things. :friends0:


    Here are the three characters I'm talking about, I'm putting them in the order of how certain I am that they have been in earlier books:


    Amando Cabral

    Gramham Ashby



    Thanks in advance for any help!:D

  8. I have read most of her books and have loved them all. My two favorite series of hers are the Tony Hill ones and Kate Brannigan. I have also read the Lindsay Gordon ones but didn't enjoy them as much. I also love her stand alones. I can't wait to read the new Tony Hill book! She is one of the best authors and I always suggest to friends that they should read her books!!

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