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Posts posted by WandersUK

  1. There was a show but it's really hard to find copies even on video, sometimes they are on ebay, there was a DVD but i think it was dutch. I keep my eyes out at the charity shops but no luck yet.

  2. All the Adrian Mole books are great especially the cappucino years, have not read the new one yet though. I did not think much of Townsend's other books though (Number ten, Escaping coventry etc..). There is one Mole book that i believe was just released in America called the lost years it is the wilderness years with about 100 pages of new story added to the front to fill the gap a little inbetween books.

  3. Hi I Just joined recently, I am here because no one else I know reads and I Would like to talk about books to other people. Currently reading Digital Fortress, Dan Brown (not as good as his others) and just finished Weapons of mass destruction by sue townsend which was brilliant.


    Thats all i can think of for now.



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