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Status Updates posted by ned

  1. Yep, it's like Come Dine With Me CBB Rejects

  2. I like how they all say they are doing it for charity but they are getting

  3. I don't mind him in small doses but ht is so full of himself. His new show The Ricky Gervais Show, he doesn't even provide any of the laughs, its all about Karl Pilkington, i'd like to get a look in that blokes head lol

  4. Here, here. She'll no doubt use it to cry in the diary room about how hard her life is in her million pound mansion and how she has 3 kids to look after and only 4 nannys. How she can only go out 5 nights a week instead of the 7 she used to before she became a mum. grrrrrr

  5. People buy them though. How are these nutters?

  6. I like Kerry, she's just a normal girl. Very grounded.

  7. Heat magazine rings me up for all the info :lol:


    She just needs to surround herself with the right people

  8. awful isn't the word lol


    You jealous that the G4 bloke has sang with your hero Cliff?

  9. You have a nice Christmas? Get any nice prezzies?

  10. Hey, i've had a little bit of work on so i've been trying to cut down on my internet time to get it done faster. Should be around a bit more now, nice to know i'm missed :lol:

  11. You have a nice Christmas?

  12. Yeah, it was a good day. Same old, same old really. My niece got tons of presents and she ended up playing with an old doll :lol: my brother was not impressed.

  13. :lol: nice way to put it :lol:
  14. She is one and a half. The doll is being dragged round with her, it has so many stains and has been washed so many times but she still insists on playing with it

  15. It was a very busy night, enjoyable though. There were only a couple of fights to deal with which were very minor, the main problem was girls taking off their shoes and then walking around the place because there is always glasses being dropped and broken. We saw 4 or 5 bleeding feet.

  16. Did you have a nice christmas?

  17. who is your money on to go into the house then?

  18. How is the meditation for dummies going? I like the 'For Dummies' series and i think this one would be worth a look as it has always interested me

  19. Cheers. Yeah, i think those books are best used as reference books, read too much and you get information overload and don't remember half of it.

  20. How's work going? If this weather keeps up i'm going to forget what it's like to work lol

  21. Well with the bad weather the mother of the baby i look after is off work as she travles alot and that just isn't possible at the moment so she has told meto stay at home, i'm still being paid so i'm not that bothered lol. I have looked after my niece the last 2 days though as her creche has been closed. How long you got left to go?

  22. She picked it off the track and then spent an hour investigating the wheels. I have enjoyed having her the last 2 days, she cried when her mum came to take her home lol I think she just enjoys being left to do what she wants and investigate where she wants to. The weather is pretty bad but we took a walk to the shops (took 45 minutes to walk a quarter of a mile as my niece decided to stop and pick up snow every 3 steps) and it wasn'ttoo slippy, cold as hell though. 4 hours, not too bad, though it seems so strange when it is nearly bed time here

  23. Thanks. So was I, her parents were ****** though lol "you spoil her. it's too soon after christmas" they said. I like buying my niece and nephew things though, the way i look at it is that when they get older the real world isn't going to spoil them so i may as well give them a good time right now. Yeah it is almost 23:30 here.

  24. ned

    LOL, well i did have David Healy but then i started to think that people might think that was a picture of me and so i shamelessly stole my sisters avatar from a music form she is a member of

  25. how was the first day?

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