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Book Fiend

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Status Updates posted by Book Fiend

  1. Ah India, I'm very jealous! It looks like an amazing place. Did you enjoy yourself?


    I've been out a few times with people from work, and they're people I wouldn't normally go out with so I'm quite pleased with myself. I just need to keep pushing myself because it's really easy to slip back into not doing much! I've discovered a book / cinema club in my area that I'm planning on joining so that is my next step.:D

  2. Erm, no groups joined yet I'm afraid *looks ashamed*. I am going to join though! Promise!!

    I've actually been a bit busy lately, and in the next few weeks I'm going out quite a bit with my work friends, so I am getting out more!!


    Gyms are really expensive aren't they! Luckily the leisure centre near us does a really good range of classes for about

  3. Hello, sorry for the delay in replying!


    The group I want to join is a discussion group. They meet once a month to discuss a book, and they have a monthly cinema night. There's also another group that arranges social events that I'm planning on joining.


    I really do intend to join, but I can already feel myself slipping back into doing what is easy! I really must try harder! On a better note though, I did order some new wardrobes today which I've been meaning to do for 2 years!:lol:

  4. Hi! I'm fine thank you!! Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been AWOL for a few days!


    I'm so pleased that Dhruv won! I got really nervous when I was watching the final!! He was definately the best. I heard today that Gordon Ramsey has offered him a job (although I don't think I'd want to work with Gordon Ramsey!)


    Gregg made me laugh so much in the final with one of his comments, I think it was 'that dessert sets my toes on fire!' Classic!


    I have an extra 2.5 hours a week free now that Masterchef has finished, I don't know what to do with myself :lol:. Hopefully the celebrity version will be on soon.


    I never did manage to watch the episode where they went to India, I tried to watch it on iPlayer but it wasn't working properly. Ooh that's a thought, I can watch that to ease my withdrawal symptons!

  5. Hi


    That's okay, hope you had a nice trip! I'm very good thanks. The snow and ice has finally gone and I've been sticking to my new years resolution of getting out more :smile2:. How are your new years resolutions going?

  6. I don't think he was being mean, he just knows what I'm like! :lol: I'm always saying I'm going to do things but then I never do them! But that was the old me and this is the new me!


    Hope you had a good Monday, I can't believe how quickly the weekend went!

  7. No slipping, I promise!!


    Hope you've had a good weekend. I've spent all weekend building wardrobes and sorting out my bedroom. It took ages, but it's now the tidiest it's ever been and it feels sooo good!!


    I'd really like to go to salsa too. I'm thinking about maybe starting going to aeorbics where everybody is on their own, then building up my confidence enough to try dancing!

  8. Thank you! I did have a nice day, although I'm still feeling the effects of being poorly so I'm doing my proper celebrating next weekend!

    I'm really enjoying Neverwhere but I haven't read it for quite a while now! I'm going to try my hardest to finish it this weekend. It's my second Gaiman book, I read American Gods last year. I think this one is better. I enjoyed American Gods, but I felt it got a bit lost in the middle. Right, I'm going to go and read it now!

  9. Hi Cookie!! Just wanted to tell you that I have posted a response to your question about Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life. I read the book a few years ago and absolutely loved it! I won't repeat my whole post here, but I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it as Bookjumper had already replied! :smile2:

  10. I've only been to London a few times so I'm having to use my imagination a lot! I really must get on with reading this though. I haven't even picked it up in well over a week. I'm up to page 307 so theres only about 60 pages to go......right I'm going to go and read it right this minute!

  11. Neverwhere is a brilliant book but unfortunately I'm not getting very far with it due to lack of time, general bad mojo and being really ill last week! I almost feel like I should leave it until I can give it the attention it deserves but I'm over half way through so I'm going to plough on!

  12. Thank you for all the happy birthdays! I had a very nice day :o)

  13. Thank you for the friend request, which I have accepted! You have a very cool profile page!

  14. Well I'm definately going to go to aeorobics now because today I said to my dad 'I need new trainers for aeorobics' and he said 'You'll never go' so now I have to go just to prove him wrong!! I hate it when people tell me I won't do something, it just makes me more determined to do it!!

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