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Posts posted by Green_Shoe

  1. Some of my books were lost somewhere on the bookshelves of my friends. I don't want anyone (well, except my family) to borrow my books any more. There are good libraries here, in case they don't want to buy a book but want to read it. I am collecting the books I like and need, it's a pity when they disappear.

  2. MDR124, oh. Then we're not. Engineering is not my field at all :D. Well, you told you wanted to refresh your classical studies and so on. :lol: To be honest, I've never seen an engineer, who could translate original texts from ancient Greek and Latin, that's why I thought you're some kind of philologist.

    De rerum natura is an interesting work. I'm taking a course about Lucretius this semester and I'm going crazy because of the intertextuality and philosophical background.

  3. sirinrob, sure. Plato. Respect. :D

    MDR124, sounds like we're colleagues. I read Homer, Vergil, Horace, Taсitus, Lucretius - the standard list for those who take Introduction to the Classical Literature course. I don't say that I'm the best student in the world and a professional in this field but it would be nice to have someone to talk about it. :D

    I'm re-reading Petronius' Satyricon at the moment and I really like it.

    busy91, Dante is definetly Classics but from another period. I was talking about the Literature of Antiquity/Late Antiquity. But I like Dante, too. :)

  4. @Green_shoe: Could it be, that you can use paysafecard vouchers only at amazon.de?

    I didn't realise that, I've ordered so many books from different online-shops using different paying options recently that I forgot that. Yea, I've used this paysafecard voucher for amazon.de, I had to buy some books for university. I wish I had time to read them all in a week.

  5. Hello everyone!


    I haven't seen any treads about the real classics, I mean antique classics by this. Do you like Greek or Roman authors? How do you approach their works? There are many good translations out there so you don't need to learn Ancient Greek or Latin to read Homer or Vergil. But it's so exhausting sometimes... Even if the historical and cultural background is familiar to you, it's a big challenge, I think.

  6. Thank you all for suggestions and ideas. I really appreciate it. I'm having a secret mission starting tommorow. I'll give it a last try. In any case, she is a personality and I respect that. I don't want her to hate or ignore me. I love her as she is. But still...

    She got interested in Harry Potter audiobooks today, hurrah. She likes the movies, but her school friends told her that the original story was different. Since she doesn't like having nothing to say in such situations, she's going to listen to it. Well... It's a little victory.

  7. There is enough info on the paysafecard homepage but only in German version. :blush: I wish I knew why.

    And talking about having your credit card details stolen - yes, you get the money back. But it is such a pain in the ass, pardon my language, that it's just not worth it. You'd save time and health by using something like paysafe card for online shopping, I think.

  8. Well, we are not going to start WWIII about not liking the same book, are we? :blush: You are not the first and not the last not to be charmed by 'The Master and Margarita'.

    My mother read this book and I was so excited to discuss it with her but she was just looking so sceptical and.. disturbed. 'Yeah... a talking cat. Cool. Satan. Aha. Some kind of knockabout comedy', - she told. And I had nothing more to say. But I like it. I wonder if a screen version will ever be made.

  9. Book Depository? Sound interesting. I'm going to google it right after writing this post. I've never heard about it.

    Well, about paying online... I had no problems about paying by paypal or credit card but things have changed now, since I moved to Austria. As a non-working student I can't have a credit card. I have Maestro card, which is not supported by Paypal (no idea why). I've tried adding it to my previous account, I've created a new one - useless. Asking my mother to pay for my books is not a good idea, so prepayed card is a really good alternative for me. I buy paysafecard amazon vouchers and have no headache about paying for my books.

  10. Hurrah! I've got the books! My hands are almost shaking and I'm thinking about cancelling all the upcoming parties just to get some time to read them. I'm so happy I can make everyone's hair as long as I want in my imagination. :friends0:

  11. Katrina1968, you made me think of Jules Verne (I've re-read 'The Mysterious Island' recently and I'm still being impressed). His books are a travelling. But nothing can be better than going to the places you've read about, I think.

  12. I have a little cousin and she hates reading. Actually, she is not even sure if she does because she'd hardly ever read a whole book. She is just not interested in reading. In her opinion, X-box games are much better.

    She is 10 now. In any case, I don't want to force her doing something she doesn't like but it's such a pity. She ignores the wonderful world of literature and has some troubles at school because of that.

    Giving books for birthdays and Christmas doesn't help. Should I try audiobooks?

  13. I've always been a reader. My mother was even a little bit scared because I was at home with my books all the time and did't want to go out with my friends. And if I wasn't reading, I played such games like 'I'm Captain Nemo! Let's decorate the whole room in Nautilus style!' or 'Let's go and find the Emerald City! Now!' It was a little bit difficult to play these games with my school mates because none of them was interested in reading and they had no idea what I was talking about till there was a film adaptation.

  14. I agree, Margarita feels that her life is empty, but not every woman who's life is empty does something like she did. In any case, she is my absolute favorite character. It doesn't matter that I don't understand her motivation down to rock bottom but I know that if I was her, I'd do the same. :blush:

    I think, I am going to re-read this book again...

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