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Status Updates posted by AbielleRose

  1. That means I won *does a victory dance* :D


    BBQ doesn't start for another hour and a half, hopefully it will all go well! I'm excited to see my friends again. Its been a while, lol. What are you up to this evening?

  2. Hear me Rawr (as in your name is Rawr) Play on words. :lol: Its late there, I'll let the genius of my brain's inner workings sink in.


    Chunk is annoying. :P

  3. Happy birthday, Sofia! Hope you have a great day! :)

  4. Eh, another blizzard, another day stuck at home today. This winter has been a brutal one! How about you? Has the snow finally let up over there? Thanks for your wonderul comments on my pictures :D

  5. I'm so glad to hear that :D Things are going in the new place. It still looks like WW3 with all of the boxes and everything all over, but there is progress being made. Yes, I actually found out who it was and was able to thank them properly.


    Did you have a nice birthday?

  6. You wouldn't dare unleash it on me. *bats eyelashes* Besides, I'd unleash Grawp on you in return.


    I'm sure it will be a great time but honestly, I just want to go to sleep :lol: First time in months I'm tired enough to go to bed early and its the night of the first actual party we've had in our apartment since me moving in the beginning of February. Go figure, aye?


    I'm so happy to hear you're getting back on track! That's fantastic, Tom! :D Sounds like a nice quiet evening is in store for you. What dvd are you thinking? Donny Darko?


    Thanks. Looks like things are looking up for the both of us from here xD

  7. Not as good as Chunky Monkey

  8. Aww, I was just popping over to say hi and noticed the pic of your kitty. What a cutie!! What's its name?

  9. Donkey Kong could take King Kong

  10. Its very sad. That's why we need to live every day the best we can and take every opportunity that comes our way. (Sorry, fell asleep last night...) *awkward grin*

  11. Aww, Uly's such a sweetie. Black cats are the best :) I don't have any pets that live with me but my family has 3 dogs and 1 cat (a black cat named Shadow :D, the dogs are a German Shepherd named K.D. (Killer Dog), a labradoodle named Tatonka and a mix named Augustine (Augie)


    Hehe, yup! Correct profile :D How's everything been going for you lately? Are you getting everything sorted out?

  12. Hehe, you always know how to make me smile :) How are you today so far?

  13. I'll keep my fingers crossed you'll get it really soon! Everything involving the government is slow when you need money FROM them. When they want it from you, well, that's another story. :lol:


    That's so sweet. In a way, animals really do choose us, don't they? Shadow chose us too. During winter about 15 years ago my dad got home from work and heard meowing coming from the engine of his truck- well there was a little 4 week old kitten in there, Shadow had crawled up to rest himself by the warm engine! We kept him and he's been the perfect cat. I've never once heard him hiss in 15 years and he's never scratched anyone. Absolute docile angel :D Black cats have such a stigma, but he's been so much better than most other cats I've known my friends to have.

  14. Hey Beautiful! I'm good this morning. :) In search of coffee to keep the brain going, lol. How are you doing, hunni? Hope the decorating and everything is going well!

  15. Good morning, Mac! How ist thou this loverly day?

  16. Happy birthday, Heather! Hope you have a great day :)

  17. Happy birthday my beeeeeeeeeautiful Vanwa! Hope you have a great day full of good food and presents! xoxox

  18. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one :) xx

  19. Hello there lovely lady! Just wanted to send you a hug and some virtual chocolate :) Hope you're doing well xx

  20. Boo to cold weather. Spring really needs to hurry up and get here fast!

  21. Hey, Paula! I am doing well, how about you? I saw on FB you got a new tattoo, it looks really good! How's everything been going for you with the new job and everything?

  22. Hello there my beautiful friend! I hope you're doing well, Genevieve. It always makes me smile to see your name pop up here on the forum. You're such a lovely beacon of light! Hope you're well. xx

  23. Thanks :) Go to your User CP under Customize Profile and you can add a picture to the background and change up the colors however you like. :D

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