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Status Updates posted by AbielleRose

  1. Believe it or not, I'm going through a similar work 'crisis' right now so you have my shoulder to cry on and my ears...er...eyes... to 'listen' if you ever want to vent. Are you in an area where there are some options for a career change? If you don't mind me asking, if you could chose your career what would you be doing?

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day :)

  3. Best thing about this time of year are the pumpkin spice lattes. <3

  4. Hey Mac! I've been doing well lately. :) Thanksgiving is next week so I only have a 3 day work week and I'm really looking forward to it.


    How are you doing?

  5. His work is very unique, that's for sure! Ugh, being woken up by someone is the worst! Hopefully they finish the construction soon.


    I'm doing well, just taking a baking/cleaning break. I swear if I never see another chocolate pretzel again I wouldn't care! :)

  6. I did end up moving and things are going well. I now have two jobs, one working at the hotel and one working in a fashion botique. Its been a bit of a shock to the system, but a very good one :)

    I hope you and the family are doing well, how's your back?

  7. Oh to be a writer... Being able to create something that may someday become a part of someone else, grow into a treasure that they hold dear to their hearts would be such an amazing way to spend a life, wouldn't it?


    I hope you have a good night tonight. :)

  8. Hey there pretty lady. I hope you're enjoying your evening. xx

  9. Haha, I'm glad you were able to conk out so soon! Sorry I disappeared, between chasing around the party poopers and getting distracted by Twitter I didn't see your messages pop up. :/

  10. Sounds like a wonderful plan! :D I've been okay... just digging into some chocolate chip cookies right now. Couldn't wait for later :lol:

  11. I have dipped over 200 pretzels in chocolate this morning and am making fudge. I know that I'm a girl and loving chocolate is supposed to be programed into our DNA but if I never see a brick of the stuff again I wouldn't cry. :lol:


    That's right! Happy early birthday!!! :) Do you have any big plans?

  12. Legos! I haven't played with Legos in years! That sounds like a lot of fun :) I'd never follow the instructions though... :D


    I'm okay today. Nothing too special. Hope you're having a good day!

  13. Haha, I hope the US does well today. It would be great if we could just move on.


    I think England may surprise everyone tomorrow. :) Have fun at the chippy!

  14. :balloons::balloons::balloons:Happy Birthday Echo!!!:balloons::balloons::balloons:
  15. A friend of mine who is a writer actually had her work banned in one of the states (Florida I believe). She told me that it is a mark of good work if people fear it. It's never fully made sense to me but if you look back in history some of the greatest works of literature were on the banned list at some point. :lol: I still remember my priest telling us that Harry Potter was the devil when it first came out (yet they had it in the library of my Catholic High school... hmmm...)

  16. You punk! My beloved Landon is going to kill it today! The boys have some confidence now and have come a long way in this thing. :P You're just jealous because as the US team starts to get better England is starting to lose it.

  17. Happy Birthday Lexi!

  18. I just cracked open a bottle of wine so all is good over here *hiccup*:D


    *Toast's Paula and another approaching year in her life*

  19. I loves my frankie! *huggle*

  20. I agree. That's why it is hard for me to read authors such as Nora Roberts or Danielle Steel who use the same basic outline for all of their novels; they only change the names of their characters and locations. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to classics- they paved the way and inspired much of the the junk that is produced today :lol: It would be amazing to get inside the head of authors such as J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer (yes, I know...).

  21. My dear Genevieve! I hope you are happy and well. :) It always makes my day to recieve a beautiful message from you. Thank you for your kind words about my page. *hugs*

  22. Wish I could see Aberdeen someday. Whenever I think of my hometown of Aberdeen here I think of you. :) What is T in the Park? Hope your sun is having fun!

  23. Aw, Mac. You're such a sweetie! *huggles* How's life going for you?

  24. That's great :) You have such a great attitude about it, I hope you find something soon. Eh, a home would be nice, but to consider the whole world as your home would be better IMO.

  25. Expecto Patronum!

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