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Status Updates posted by AbielleRose

  1. Aww! Congrats! I bet the boys were very proud of their mummy :D Think you'll be online today? We must catch up!

  2. Eh, my eyes are starting to wiggle from staring at a computer screen too long. Why aren't you at work?

  3. Its always fun to ramble with you :D Yes, I am taking 12 weeks off work to get everything sorted out. London is officially cancelled and my money is being refunded (thank goodness!) so I'm a bit heartbroken over that, but for the most part I feel fairly good right now. Just about to head off for a few minutes to pick up a couple of books and a new guitar. Since I'm not spending so much money I've decided to use a little of the spending money I'd saved for London to just get a new acoustic to help me relax during the next few weeks. Playing used to be my best form of a 'wind down' whenever I was stressed in high school and college, hopefully the music won't fail me now :D


    How's your day been?

  4. Thanks, hun. :friends0: Your words have meant a lot to me, thank you for being there, I really appreciate it.


    How are you doing today?



  5. It was all well and good until a surprise blizzard hit us. On my way home from work I was nearly hit by an idiot trying to overdrive the conditions and ended up spinning out of control down a hill. I just can't stop shaking, it was so terrifying. There will definately be hot chocolate and Bailey's on the agenda tonight.


    How was your day?

  6. That is really good you're still getting paid. :) The weather over the pond sounds just horrible. 9 hours down and 4 to go before I get to go home. Did your niece like the train you got her?

  7. Two words- decaying animal!

  8. Yay! I'm so glad you are liking it! I own the whole season on DVD and both of the CD soundtracks :D This past weekend I actually spent my my time Gleeking (heh) out to a Glee marathon. Its so different from all of the other shows that seem to follow a general formula on TV.


    It gets so much better. There is some escalading drama that really brings it into more of a well rounded story, rather than just a feel good musical sitcom. One of my favorite characters is Kurt, he really comes out more in the Defying Gravity episode (my fav.)

  9. Thanks. I've been slowly sliding down all day today. Hopefully getting the cat will help.

    You have any plans for the weekend?

  10. *Googles William Carlos Williams* Wow, I spent a bit looking at some of his work and it is great stuff! Thanks for the refrence :) It drives me nuts sometimes when I come across something that I find utterly amazing and someone else looks at it and says 'What do you mean? It's a tree.' The world isn't all special effects and 3D like TV, open your eyes people! Haha, sorry... it's still early...

  11. Thanks :) I wouldn't mind waking up to that face every morning... *tilts head and eyes go fuzzy* Mmm... How was your day? Your up rather late.

  12. Gosh, I always forget about the time change when I talk to some of you in the U.K. Its what, 11pm? Aww, she must be at that cute age where every simple thing is wonderful and new. My friend's son is 19 months and has just started saying 'luv you' to everyone he meets, even complete strangers :) I'm glad she liked the train :)

  13. Meh... its okay. How about you?

  14. :lol: Its too much fun to spoil them, especially with the gifts that you know the parents wouldn't buy (like noisy ones!) Its really cool that you are so involved with them.
  15. Hello lovely lady! How've you been lately?

  16. Aww, bless his little heart. My old cat Moo (she looked like a cow...) would always curl up on my chest in the middle of the night and shove her paw up my nose until I finally woke up and pet her for a few minutes. They are such sweet loving creatures.

  17. :blush: Aw, thank you Kylie. You've gone and made me blush. I really love your profile pic. You are such a beauty and a treasure to behold.:friends0:
  18. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday, Mac! xx

  19. You love us, admit it! :o)

  20. :friends0: Thank you Stephanie. It could always be worse. Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself I try to think of the people in Haiti and how they lost so much more than I did. Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)


    I hope you have a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow!

  21. That's a beautiful poem. I will have to read some more of Blake's stuff! Have you read anything from Elizabeth Barrett Browning or Alfred Lord Tennyson? They are two of my favorites.


    I agree, it is a crime. People can't seperate cost and worth these days. Most find it synonomus when they are two completely seperate entities.

  22. Hey, Mac! I'm doing very well, thanks :) How about yourself? Having a nice weekend so far?

  23. Hey! Where have you been at lately, lady? I've barely seen you around! *huggles*

  24. *sigh* I'll never understand it either. Oh well, at least my next paycheck is going to rock! :D When does spring usually come for you?

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